The project aims at proposing conservation actions for the ichthyofauna of Geroporos river, at the Development Area of the Hydroelectric Dam Skopos-Papadias and will entail: (1) Collection of all available ichthyological, hydrological, physicochemical and biological data and data on human impacts on the study area. (2) Preliminary sampling for the establishment of a network of stations, upstream and downstream of the dam. (3) Seasonal fish sampling for one year, coupled with recording of abiotic parameters. (4) Assessment of fish species’ composition, distribution and abundance and the study of their biological and ecological attributes. (5) Assessment of the current ecological status of the river in the wider area of the dam construction, and the prediction of its status. (6) Identification of the ecological parameters that will be affected by the dam construction and formulation of measures for the mitigation of its negative impacts. (7) Formulation of proposals for the utilization of fisheries resources. (8) Drafting of a monitoring plan for the ecological status of the system.

Final Report