The Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters of HCMR participates in the implementation of the National Fisheries Data Collection Programme (EPSAD) by conducting field samplings throughout Greece.

The implementation of EPSAD is undertaken under the Regulation 199/2008 of the EU, which dictates that Member States are obliged to submit annually to the General Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (DG-MARE) EU, data on the exploitation of fisheries resources and the state of fish stocks and the marine ecosystem in general. During the project, biological and environmental data on fisheries are collected and analyzed from the areas of activity of the Greek fleet, in accordance to a standard protocol.

The goal of the project is to contribute to the formulation of the Common Fisheries Policy that will ensure the sustainability of fishery resources and the conservation of the ecosystem.

In addition, the programme provides the necessary information for the preparation of management plans for the Greek fisheries.

The EPSAD is funded 50% by the European Union, through the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, and implemented jointly by the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters of HCMR and the Fisheries Research Institute of the Greek Agricultural Organization – Dimitra.