Environmental flows downstream of dams (ECOFLOW)

Start/End Date: 04/03/2013 - 04/09/2015

Financing: 703.000,00 €

Type of project: National project

Researcher(s): Dr E. Dimitriou

Institute: Inland Waters

The project ECOFLOW aims to create a systematic and standardized procedure for assessing ecologically acceptable flows in rivers and streams whose flow regime is impacted by water resource development. [...]

2021-09-09T14:20:26+03:0022/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2013 - 2018|


Start/End Date: 02/02/2013 - 02/01/2015

Financing: 167.935,00 €

Type of project: European project ( FP7)

Researcher(s): Dr S. Somarakis

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement. […]

2021-05-11T11:43:22+03:0022/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2013 - 2018|

Ecological Quality National Monitoring

Start/End Date: 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2015

Financing: 13.025.858,19 €

Type of project: National project

Researcher(s): Dr N. Skoulikidis, Dr P. Panagiotidis

Institute: Oceanography and Inland Waters

The Monitoring Program of the ecological quality of rivers, coastal and transitional waters of Greece under the Article 8 of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 EU is carried out throughout [...]

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