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Press Release -EPIRUS WATERS- Δελτίο Τύπου

Απόκτηση εξοπλισμού μέτρησης σταθερών ισοτόπων στα ύδατα

ΣΚΑΪ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ- Σήμερα, στις 5μ.μ., η Δ/ντρια ΙΘΑΒΙΠΕΥ - ΕΛΚΕΘΕ Δρ Μαρία Στουμπούδη

Η Περιφέρεια Κρήτης και το ΕΛΚΕΘΕ ενώνουν δυνάμεις για την κλιματική προστασία! (Nea Kriti 05.12.2024)
Major European Union Policy-Relevant Research
The Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters of HCMR is involved in the National Monitoring Network of the quality and quantity of water by conducting samplings in rivers throughout Greece.
The fisheries data collection program provides the necessary information on fisheries management, knowledge of biological parameters and the geographical demarcation of fish-populations in order to help achieve the objectives of sustainable fisheries.
State-of-the-art Infrastructure for real time environmental monitoring
The Institute works with other research organizations to develop a detailed assessment of the state of Greece’s Marine environment, to define “good environmental status” at the regional level and to establish clear environmental targets and monitoring programmes..
It provides daily 120-hour weather forecasts over the Mediterranean basin and adjacent countries at different resolutions as well as relevant streamflow forecasts in two watersheds in Greece, the Spercheios and the Evrotas River Basins.
Recent Projects
The main goals of IMBRIW are the production of knowledge related to structural and functional aspects of inland aquatic ecosystems and the high trophic level components (including fisheries) of marine ecosystems.