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- Koussouris T, Diapoulis A, Bertahas I (1990) Algae impairing the water quality in a pressure treatment plant (Chalkis Water supply, Greece). Water Pollution Research and Control 131-134.
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- Pancucci MA, Zenetos A (1990) On the Echinoderm-fauna of the Geras Gulf. Acta Adriatica 31:293-300
- Papaconstantinou C (1990) Some rare mesopelagic and bathyal fish caught in the Greek seas. Thalassographica 13:35-39
- Papaconstantinou C (1990) The spreading of Lessepsian fish migrants into the Aegean Sea (Greece). Scientia Marina 54:313-316
- Petrakis G, Papaconstantinou C (1990) Biology of the parrot fish (Sparisoma cretense) in Kastellorizo area (Dodecaneses, Greece). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 6:14-23
- Zenetos A (1990) Discrimination of autochthonous versus allochthonous assemblages in the Eden estuary, Fife, Scotland. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 30:525-540
- Zenetos A, Panayotidis P, Simboura N (1990) Etude des peuplements benthiques de substat meuble au large du debouche en Mer du Grand Collecteur d’ Athenes. Revue International Oeanographie Medical 97-98:57-71
- Diapoulis A, Koussouris Th (1989) Oil pollution effects to marine benthos in a Greek bay. Geojournal 18:305-309
- Kamarianos A, Altiparmakis J, Karamanlis X, Kufidis D, Koussouris T, Photis G, Kilikidis S (1989) Experimental evaluation of floridone effectiveness on fish productive aquatic ecosystem. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 27:24-26
- Koussouris T, Diapoulis A (1989) Unusual characteristics in a meromistic lake in Greece. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 20-21:307-312
- Koussouris T, Diapoulis A, Balopoulos E (1989) Assessing the trophic status of lake Mikri Prespa, Greece. Annales de Limnologie 25:17-24
- Koussouris T, Diapoulis A, Bertahas I, Gritzalis K (1989) Self- Purification processes along a polluted river in Greece. Water Science and Technology 21:1869-1872
- Koussouris T, Photis G, Diapoulis A, Bertahas I (1989) Water quality evaluation in lakes of Greece. In: Watershed 89, The Future for Water Quality in Europe, Advances in Water Pollution Control, Ed. D. Wheeler, M. Richardson & J. Bridges, IAWPRC, 119-128.
- Nicolaidou A, Pancucci MA, Zenetos A (1989) The Impact of Dumping Coarse Metalliferous Waste on the Benthos in Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Mar.Pollut Bull. 20: 28-33
- Pancucci MA, Zenetos A (1989) Infralittoral macrobenthos of the Patras Gulf and Ionian Sea: Echinodermata. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 30:217-226
- Papaconstantinou C, Caragitsou E (1989) Feeding interaction between two sympatric species Pagrus pagrus and Phycis phycis from the Kastellorizo area (Dodecaneses, Greece). Fisheries Research 7:329-342
- Stoumboudi M, Rothbard S, Villwock W, Gissis A, Abraham M (1989) Cyprinid hybrids in nature and in aquaculture ponds. Inter. Aquacult. Conf., Bordeaux, France, EAS Sp. Publ. 10:239-240
- Tsimenides N, Tserpes G (1989) Age determination and growth of swordfish Xiphias gladius L., 1758 in the Aegean sea. Fisheries Research 8:159-168
- Zenetos A, Papathanassiou E (1989) Community Parameters and Multivariate Analysis as a Means of Assessing the Effects of Tannery Effluents on the Macrobenthos. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 20:176-181
- Caragitsou E, Papaconstantinou C (1988). Feeding habits of red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus, L.) off western coasts of Greece. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 4:14-22
- Diapoulis A, Th Koussouris, Haritonidis S (1988) Biogeographical Affinities of Marine Algae in the Saronikos Gulf, Athens, Greece. Geojournal 17:85-89
- Economou AN, Pancucci-Papadopoulou A, Daoulas Ch (1988) Retention efficiency of a conical plankton net. Acta Adriatica 29:171-176
- Friligos N, Zenetos A (1988) Elefsis Bay Anoxia: Nutrient Conditions and Benthic Community Structure. Marine Ecology-Pubblicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica Di Napoli I 9:273-290
- Nicolaidou A, Bourgoutzani F, Zenetos A, Guelorget O, Perthuisot J-P (1988) Distribution of Molluscs and Polychaetes in coastal lagoons in Greece. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci. 26:337-350
- Papaconstantinou C, Mytilineou C, Panos T (1988) Age, growth, condition factor and mortality of red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus, L) off the western coasts of Greece. Cybium 12:272-285
- Zenetos A, Bei F (1988) Preliminary studies on the community structure of the macrozoobenthos in Atalanti Bay, Greece. Biologia Gallo-hellenica 13:21-24
- BBeaumont Α, Tserpes G, Budd MD (1987). Some effects of copper on the veliger larvae of the mussel Mytilus edulis and the scallop Pecten maximus. Marine Environmental Research 21:299-309
- Diapoulis A, Haritonidis S (1987) A qualitative and quantitative study of the marine algae in the Saronikos Gulf (Greece). Marine Ecology 8:175-189
- Diapoulis A, Haritonidis S (1987) Marine algae of the West Greek Coasts. Acta Adriatica 28:85-101
- Economou AN (1987) Ecology of survival of some gadoid larvae in the northern North Sea. Environmental Biology of Fishes 19:241-260
- Koussouris T, Diapoulis A, Balopoulos E (1987) Limnological situations in two shallow lakes (Kastoria and Mikri Prespa Lakes). GeoJournal 14:377-379
- Papaconstantinou C, Caragitsou E (1987) Effects of slag deposition on fish species diversity in the N. Euvoikos Gulf (Greece). Memorie di Biologia Marina e di Oceanografia 16:35-48
- Papaconstantinou C, Caragitsou E (1987) The food of hake (Merluccius merluccius) in Greek seas. Vie et Milieu 37:21-29
- Van Aartsen JJ, Zenetos A (1987) The genus Clathromangelia Monterosato, 1884, in the Mediterranean, with the description of Clathromangelia ferhi n.sp. La Conchiglia (Rome) 222-223:10-11
- Zenetos A, Bogdanos C (1987) Benthic community structure as a tool in evaluating effects of pollution in Elefsis Bay. Thalassographica 10:7-21
- Daoulas Ch (1986) Diurnal feeding pattern of Rutilus alburnoides hellenicus Stephanidis (Pisces, Cyprinidae) in Lake Trichonis, Greece. Acta Hydrobiologica 28:227-235
- Daoulas Ch., Economou AN (1986) Seasonal variation of egg size in the sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) of the Saronikos Gulf. Causes and a probable explanation. Journal of Fish Biology 28:449-457
- Diapoulis A, Haritonidis S, Koussouris T (1986) Spring benthic flora of Rhodos Island, Greece. Thalassographica 9:49-57
- Pancucci MA, Zenetos A (1986). Gli Echinodermi del golfo di Patrasso. Biologia Gallo-hellenica 12:189-195
- Papaconstantinou C (1986) The life history of rock gurnard (Trigloporus lastoviza, Brunn., 1768) in the Saronikos Gulf. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2:75-86
- Papaconstantinou C, Caragitsou E (1986) The first occurrence of the Lessepsian fish immigrant Pempheris vanicolensis in territorial Greek waters. Thalassographica 9:78-79
- Papaconstantinou C, Petrakis G, Vassilopoulou V (1986) The fecundity of hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) and red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus L.) in the Greek seas. Acta Adriatica 27:85-95
- Zenetos A, Bogdanos C (1986) Assessment of degree of pollution on the basis of macrozoobenthos in Elefsis bay. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 30:22
- Zenetos A, Bratits C (1986) On the Prosobranchia (Mollusca, Gasteropoda) of the infralittoral zone along the Patras Gulf. Biologia Gallo-hellenica 12:167-172
- Caragitsou E, Papaconstantinou C (1985) The diet of red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) in the Saronikos Gulf. Thalassographica 8:19-31
- Castritsi-Catharios J, Ganias G, Panagopoulos D, Zenetos A (1985) Bryozoaires cotiers du Golfe de Patras septentrional. Rapp Comm int Mer Medit 29:347-348
- Daoulas Ch (1985) Alimentation de Rutilus alburnoides hellenicus Stephanidis (Pisces, Cyprinidae) dans le Lac Trichonis, Grece. Vie et Milieu 35:63-68
- Daoulas Ch, Kattoulas M (1985) Reproductive biology of Rutilus rubilio (Bonaparte, 1837) in Lake Trichonis. Hydrobiologia 124:49-55
- Fotis G, Koussouris T, Kilikidis S, Kamarianos A (1985) The exploitation of zooplankton from Lake Vistonis, Greece, in the culture of carp fry. Journal of Environmental Biology 6:115-127
- Koussouris T, Satsmadjis J (1985) Changes in plankton assemblages from spring to summer in a Greek Lake. Revue Internationale d ‘Oceanographie Medicale. LXXVII- LXXVIII:51-66
- Nikolaidis N, Koussouris T, Photis G, Papachristou E (1985) Trophic status assesment of Lake Vegoritida, Greece. Journal of International Society of Ecological Modelling (ISEM) 17:11-26
- Pancucci MA, Zenetos A (1985) Contribution to the knowledge of echinoderms in the eastern Ionian sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 29:295-296
- Thessalou-Legakis M, Zenetos A (1985) Autoecological Studies on the Thalassinidae (Crustacea, Decapoda) of the Patras Gulf and Ionian Sea (Greece). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 29:309-312
- Thompson TE, Jarman GM, Zenetos A (1985) Infralittoral macrobenthos of the Patras Gulf and Ionian Sea: Opisthobranch Molluscs. Journal of Conchology 32:71-95
- Tsimenidis N, Papaconstantinou C (1985) A preliminary study of the fecundity of the hake (M.merluccius) in the Greek seas. Inv. Pesq. 49:55-59
- Beaumont Α, Tserpes G (1984). The effects on Mytilus edulis larvae of toxins leaching from paints. Aquaculture 38:365-369
- Economou AN (1984) Larval fish, east of the Shetland Islands, May 1978 and May 1979. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 64: 737-738
- Papaconstantinou C (1984) Age and growth of the yellow gurnard (Trigla lucerna L., 1758) from the Thermaikos Gulf with some comments on its biology. Fisheries Research 2:243-255
- Papaconstantinou C (1984) Occurrence of Bellottia apoda (Pisces, Brotulidae) in the Greek seas. Cybium 8:103-104
- Papaconstantinou C (1984) On the osteology of the skull and the pectoral and pelvic girdles of the family Triglidae (Pisces, Scorpaeniformes). Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 11:3-18 (in greek)
- Papaconstantinou C (1984) The use of the lenght-weight relationship and the conditions indices in the study of different red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) stock in Greek seas. Thalassographica 7:53-60 (in greek)
- Friligos N, Koussouris T (1983) Preliminary observations of sewage nutrient enrichment and phytoplankton ecology in the Thermaikos gulf, Thessaloniki Greece. Vie et Milieu 34:76-85
- Ioakimidis S, Markatatos D, Iconomou D, Papagiannakis M, Papaconstantinou C, Sarafis C (1983) Impact regional de la politique de la peche de la CEE.Situation economique et sociale et perspectives d’ avenir du secteur de la peche en Grece. Ed. EEC, Informations internes sur la peche, No 14, I & II vols.
- Koussouris T, Friligos N (1983) Phytoplankton composition in relation to environmental factors in a oligotrophic lake, Greece. Revue International D’ Oceanographie Medicale. LXXII:55-72
- Koussouris T, Kilikidis S, Kamarianos T, Photis G (1983) The rotifer Keratella tropica Apstein in relation to some environmental factors in Greek waters. Thalassographica 6119-126
- Papaconstantinou C (1983) Observation on the ecology of gurnards (Fam.Triglidae) of the Greek seas. Cybium 7:71-88
- Papaconstantinou C (1983) On the biology of the Aspitrigla cuculus L.,1758 (Pisces, Scorpaeniformes) from the Saronikos Gulf. Thalassographica 6:49-75 (in greek)
- Koussouris T, Diapoulis A (1982) The aquatic vegetation in lake Trichonis, Western Greece. Thalassographica 5:33-40
- Koussouris T, Diapoulis A (1989) Mikri Prespa Lake: Ecological changes from natural and anthropogenic causes. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 20-21:49-52
- Koussouris T, Puch-Thomas M (1982) Macrozoobenthic studies in lake Trichonis, Western Greece. Thalassographica 5:17-25
- Papaconstantinou C (1982) Age and growth of grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus) in the Pagassitikos Gulf (Greece). Inv. Pesq. 46:191-213
- Papaconstantinou C (1982) On the biology of the species Lepidotrigla cavillone (Fam. Triglidae) of the greek seas. Thalassographica 5:33-59 (in greek)
- Papaconstantinou C (1982) On the Parablennius zvonimiri ponticus, (Slastenenko, 1934) who lives in the Black Sea. Thalassographica 5:93-103 (in greek)
- Papaconstantinou C (1982) The distribution of Merlangius merlangus euxinus in the Aegean Sea. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 9:317-322
- Kilikidis S, Kamarianos A, Koussouris T, Tsigounakis I (1981) Investigation on the cause of a fish-kill (Epinephelus sp) in the Kissamos gulf, Crete. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 26:453-460
- Papaconstantinou C (1981) Age and grouth of piper, Trigla lyra, in Saronikos Gulf (Greece). Cybium 5:73-87
- Papaconstantinou C, Tsimenidis N, Daoulas C (1981) Age, growth and reproduction of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) in the Gulfs of Saronikos and Thermaikos. Thalassographica 4:39-66
- Papaconstantinou C, Tsimenidis N, Daulas C (1981) Age, growth and reproduction of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) in the gulfs of Saronikos and Thermaikos. Thalassographica 4:39-66
- Koussouris T, Photis G (1980) Some hydrobiological characteristics in Amvrakia lake, Western Greece. Acta Hydrobiolοgica 22:337-344
- Papaconstantinou C, Tortonese E (1980) On a collection of fishes from Thermaikos Gulf (N.E.Greece). Thalassographica 3:15-42
- Koussouris T (1979) Dominating planktonic rotatoria in some lakes of Western Greece. Βiologia Gallo-Hellenica VIII: 135-140
- Koussouris T, Photis G (1979). Limnological conditions in the meromictic lake Meligou Astros Kinourias, Peloponnisos, Greece. Thalassographica 3:77-91
- Papaconstantinou C (1979) The secondary sex characteristics of the genus Blennius of the Mediterranean Sea (Pisces: Blenniidae). Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Med. 10:265-287
- Papaconstantinou C, Tsimenidis N (1979) Some uncommon fishes from the Aegean Sea. Cybium 7:3-14
- Economidis P, Papaconstantinou C (1978) Affinites et distribution geographiques des especes Pholis smyrnensis Val. 1836 et Blennius basiliscus Val. 1836 (Pisces Blenniidae). Bulletin de l’Office National des Peches 2:101-107
- Koussouris T (1978) Botanical observations in lake Meligou Peloponnisos, Greece. Thalassographica 2:19-25
- Koussouris T (1978) Plankton observations in three lakes of Western Greece. Thalassographica 2:115-123
- Tsimenidis N, Papaconstantinou C, Daulas C (1978) Age and growth studies of hake (Merluccius merluccius L., 1758) of the Saronikos and Thermaikos gulfs. Thalassographica 2:27-56 (in greek)
- Friligos N, Koussouris T (1977) Preliminary chemical, physical and biological observations in the gulf of Amvrakikos (April,1974). Thalassιa Jugoslavica 13:53-58
- Papaconstantinou C (1977) The dentition of some Mediterranean Blennii (Pisces, Blennidae). Memorie di Biologia Marina e di Oceanografia 7:11-19
- Papaconstantinou C (1977) The skull of the Mediterranean species of Blennius L., 1758 (A comparative anatomical study) (Pisces, Blenniidae). Thalassographica 1:127-139
- Papaconstantinou C (1977) The thyroide gland of some Mediterranean Blennii (Pisces, Blenniidae). II. Physiology. Thalassographica 1:178-204
- Papaconstantinou C, Tsimenidis N, Daulas C (1977) A new record of a bathypelagic fish, Bellottia apoda Cigl., 1833, in Saronikos Gulf, Greece (Pisces, Perciformes). Thalassographica 1:279-287
- Fotis G, Koussouris T, Κriaris N (1976) Preliminary study on a carp illness and other factors in Vistonida lake. Veterinary News 5:97-107
- Koussouris T (1976) Study on marine algae in the region between Naxos and Iraklia islands. Thalassographica 1:129-141 (in Greek with English summary)
- Papaconstantinou C (1976) The thyroide gland of some Mediterranean Blennii (Pisces, Blennidae).I.Morphology. Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia 32:37-54
- Papaconstantinou K (1974) Osservazioni ecologiche ai Blennidi del golfo di Genova. Doriana, Supl. An.Mus. Civ.St.Naturale “G.Doria”, 5, No 217, 4p.