Christopher J. Smith
Research Director
Short CV
- B.Sc.(hons) Marine Biology, Heriot Watt University, UK (1980-1984)
- Ph.D. Benthic Ecology, Glasgow University, UK (1984-1988)
Chris Smith, a marine biologist and benthic ecologist has been working in Greece more than 30 years and during this time has participated as Principal Investigator/researcher in over 30 EU-funded cooperative research projects and collaborated in more than 40 others, both national and international (very recent EU projects: AFRIMED, MERCES, DEVOTES, BENTHIS,). His main research interests include:
- Ecosystem impacts and interactions: impacts of fishing, aquaculture and impact assessment methodologies.
- Benthic ecology: megafaunal and macrofaunal communities and ecology, ecosystem processes and functioning, interactions of functional groups, deep water corals.
- Invertebrate fisheries: life histories and ecology, dynamics and assessment, Nephrops norvegicus
- Gear technologies: fishing gear selection, alternative fishing techniques (particularly trapping).
- Technologies: application of imaging technologies (acoustic and optical), image analysis, seabed mapping and underwater platforms.
He has published 75+ papers in peer-reviewed international journals, 10 book chapters and has had 150+ presentations in international conferences. He has been involved in various international committees over the years including ICES BEWG, Nephrops video assessment, BEDPRESS/BEDLOSS, WKTRADE and WKFBIT.He is co-responsible in Greece for D6 seafloor integrity work within the EU MSFD. You can find his Google Scholar publishing statistics at:
He was involved in the first acquisition and scientific applications of remote underwater imaging technologies in Greece and has been responsible for running HCMR’s 4 Remotely Operated Vehicle systems, supporting a wide variety of science and service projects. As well as running operations, he has several hundred hours piloting experience, including with the 2000 m Max Rover. The HCMR ROV systems are part of the Greek State’s response to maritime disaster and his team has been involved in the search and recovery work on a variety of helicopters, aircraft, other lost equipment and the cruise liner Sea Diamond.
Indicative Publications
- T Paramana, M Dassenakis, V Paraskevopoulou, N Papadopoulou, … (2024). Screening and assessing physical pressures affecting seafloor integrity in the Μediterranean region. Ocean & Coastal Management 251, 107046
- V Georges, S Vaz, P Carbonara, MC Fabri, E Fanelli, MC Follesa, … (2024). Mapping the habitat refugia of Isidella elongata under climate change and trawling impacts to preserve Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the Mediterranean. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1-15
- A Sala, J Depestele, A Gümüş, P Laffargue, JR Nielsen, H Polet, CJ Smith, … (2023). Technological innovations to reduce the impact of bottom gears on the seabed. Marine Policy 157, 105861
- T Paramana, M Dassenakis, N Bassan, C Dallangelo, P Campostrini, … (2023). Achieving coherence between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive. Marine Policy 155, 105733
- CJ Smith, NK Papadopoulou, I Maina, S Kavadas, PD van Denderen, … (2023). Relating benthic sensitivity and status to spatial distribution and intensity of trawling in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ecological Indicators 150, 110286
- CJ Smith, J Verdura, N Papadopoulou, S Fraschetti, E Cebrian, … (2023). A decision-support framework for the restoration of Cystoseira sensu lato forests. Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1159262
- I Tsikopoulou, CJ Smith, KN Papadopoulou, MC Austen (2023). Linking Species Functional Traits to Specific Biogeochemical Processes under Trawling Pressure. Biology 11 (10), 1378
- SM Beauchard Olivier, Bradshaw Clare, Bolam Stefan, Tiano Justin, Garcia … (2023). Trawling-induced change in benthic effect trait composition – A multiple case study. Frontiers In Marine Science 10 (1303909)
- I Tsikopoulou, CJ Smith, KN Papadopoulou, MC Austen (2022). Linking Species Functional Traits to Specific Biogeochemical Processes under Trawling Pressure. Biology 11 (10), 1378
- P Ramírez‐Monsalve, NF Coelho, E Carballo‐Cárdenas, … (2022). Marine restoration governance arrangements: Issues of legitimacy. Environmental Policy and Governance 32 (2), 122-134
- S Gorjanc, K Klančnik, NK Papadopoulou, A Murillas-Maza, K Jarni, … (2022). Evaluating the progress in achieving Good Environmental Status in the Mediterranean: A methodology to assess the effectiveness of Marine Strategy Framework Directive’s … . Marine Policy 136, 104889
- W Chen, P Wallhead, S Hynes, R Groeneveld, E O’Connor, C Gambi, … (2022). Ecosystem service benefits and costs of deep-sea ecosystem restoration. Journal of Environmental Management 303, 114127
- Smith, C.J., Papadopoulou, N., Carballo-Cárdenas, E., van Tatenhove, J. (2021). Marine restoration in the Mediterranean: red coral and fan mussel discourses, uncertainty and reaching restoration targets. Marine Policy. 128, 104488. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104488
- Ramírez-Monsalve, P., Coelho, N.F., Carballo-Cárdenas, E., van Tatenhove, J.P.M., Papadopoulou, N., Smith, C.J. (2021). Marine restoration governance arrangements: Issues of legitimacy. Environmental Policy and Governance, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.1970
- Tsikopoulou, I., Dimitriou, P.D., Karakassis, I., Lampadariou, N., Papadopoulou, N., Smith C.J. (2021). Temporal Variation in the Ecological Functioning of Benthic Communities After 20 Years in the Eastern Mediterranean. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:768051. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.768051
- Montseny, M., Linares, C., Carreiro-Silva, M., Henry, L.-A., Billett, D., Cordes, E.E., Smith, C.J., Papadopoulou, N., et al. (2021). Active Ecological Restoration of Cold-Water Corals: Techniques, Challenges, Costs and Future Directions. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:621151. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.621151
- Murillas-Maza, A., Uyarra, M.C., Papadopoulou, K.N., Smith, C.J., Gorjanc, S., Klancnik, K., Paramana, T., Chalkiadaki, O., Dassenakis, M, Pavicic, M. (2020). Programmes of measures of the marine strategy framework directive: Are they contributing to achieving good environmental status in the Mediterranean? Marine Pollution Bulletin 161, 111715. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111715.
- Mytilineou, C., Herrmann, B., Kavadas, S., Smith, C., Megalofonou, P. (2020). Combining selection models and population structures to inform fisheries management: a case study on hake in the Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery. Mediterranean Marine Science, 21(2), 360-371. doi:https://doi.org/10.12681/mms.22191
- Bekkby, T., Papadopoulou, N., Fiorentino, D., McOwen, C.J., Rinde, E., Bostrom, C., Carreiro-Silva, M., Linares, C., Andersen, G.S., Bengil, E.G.T., Bilan, M., Cebrian, E., Cerrano, C., Danovaro, R., Fagerli, C.W., Fraschetti, S., Gagnon, K., Gambi, C., Gundersen, H., Kipson, S., Kotta, J., Morato, T., Ojaveer, H., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Smith C.J. (2020). Habitat features and their influence on the restoration potential of marine habitats in Europe. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:184. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00184
- Da Ros, Z., Dell’Anno, A., Morato, T., Sweetman, A.K., Carreiro-Silva, M., Smith, C.J., Papadopoulou, N., Corinaldesi, C., Bianchelli, S., Gambi, C., Cimino, R., Snelgrove, P., Van Dover, C.L., Danovaro, R. (2019). The deep sea: a new frontier for ecological restoration. Marine Policy, 108. doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103642
- Gerovasileiou, V, Smith, CJ, Sevastou, K, et al. (2019). Habitat mapping in the European Seas – is it fit for purpose in the marine restoration agenda? Marine Policy, 106: 103521.
- Gerovasileiou, V., Smith, C.J., Kiparissis, S., Stamouli, C., Dounas, C., Mytilineou, C. (2019). Updating the distribution status of the critically endangered bamboo coral Isidella elongata (Esper, 1788) in the deep Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2019.100610
- Pavlidou, A., Simboura, N., Pagou, Κ., Assimakopoulou, G., Gerakaris, V., Hatzianestis, I., Panayotidis, P., Pantazi, M., Papadopoulou, N., Reizopoulou, S., Smith, C., Triantaphyllou, M., Uyarra, M.C., Varkitzi, I., Vassilopoulou, V., Zeri, C., Borja A. (2018). Using a holistic ecosystem-integrated approach to assess the environmental status of Saronikos Gulf, Eastern Mediterranean. Ecological Indicators, 96:336-350.
- Soma, K., Nielsen, J.R., Papadopoulou, N., Poletm H., Zengin, M., Smith, C.J., et al. (2018). Stakeholder perceptions in fisheries management – Sectors with benthic impacts. Marine Policy, 92: 73-85.
- Bolam, S.G., Garcia, C., Eggleton, J., Kenny, A.J., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Gonzalez-Mirelis, G., van Kooten, T., Dinesen, G., Hansen, J., Hiddink, J.G., Sciberras, M., Smith, C., et al. (2017). Differences in biological traits composition of benthic assemblages between unimpacted habitats. Marine Environmental Research. 126: 1-13.
- Eigaard, O. R., Bastardie, F., Hintzen, N. T., et al., Smith, C.J. (2017). The footprint of bottom trawling in European waters: distribution, intensity, and seabed integrity. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74; 847-865.
- Smith, C.J., Papadopoulou, K-N., Barnard, S., Mazik, K., Elliot,t M., Patrício, J., Solaun, O., Little, S., Bhatia, N., Borja, A. (2016). Managing the Marine Environment, Conceptual Models and Assessment Considerations for the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Frontiers in Marine Science. 3(144) 19 pp. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00144
- Eigaard, O.R., Bastardie, F., Breen, M.l., Dinesen, G.E., Lafargue, P., Nielsen, J.R., Nilson, H., O’Neil, F., Polet, H., Reid, D., Sala, A., Sköld, M., Smith, C., Sørensen, T.K., Tully, O., Zengin, M., Hintzen, N.T., Rijnsdorp, A.D. (2016). Estimating seafloor pressure from trawls and dredges based on gear design and dimensions. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 73(1): 27-43
- Piroddi, C., Teixeira, H., Lynam, C.P., Smith, C., et al. (2015). Using ecological models to assess ecosystem status in support of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators 58, 175-191.
- Anastasopoulou, A., Mytilineou, Ch., Smith, C.J., Papadopoulou, K.N. (2013) Plastic debris ingested by deep-water fish of the Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean). Deep-Sea Research I 74:11-13
- Rose, K.A., J.I. Allen, Y.Artioli, M. Barange, J. Blackford, F. Carlotti, R. Cropp, U. Daewel, K. Edwards, K. Flynn, S. Hill, R. HilleRisLambers, G. Huse, B. Megrey, A. Moll, R. Rivkin, B. Salihoglu, C. Schrum, L. Shannon, Y. Shin, S.L. Smith, C. Smith, C. Solidoro, M. St. John, M. Zhou. (2010). End-To-End Models for the Analysis of Marine Ecosystems: Challenges, Issues, and Next Steps. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 2:115–130.
- Smith, C.J., Banks, A.C., and Papadopoulou K.-N. (2007). Improving the quantitative estimation of trawling impacts from side scan sonar and underwater video imagery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64: 1692-1701
- Smith, C.J. & Papadopoulou, K.-N. (2003). Burrow density and stock size fluctuations of Nephrops norvegicus in a semi-enclosed bay. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 60: 798-805.
- Smith, C.J., Marrs, S.J., Atkinson R.J.A., Papadopoulou, K.-N. & Hills, J.M. (2003). Evaluation of the underwater television technique for fisheries-independent stock assessment of Nephrops norvegicus from the Aegean (Eastern Mediterranean). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 256: 161-170.
- Solan, M., Germano, J.D., Rhoads, D.C., Smith, C., Michaud, E., Parry, D., Wenzhofer, F., Kennedy, R., Henriques, C., Battle, E., Carey, D., Iocco, L., Valente, R., Watson, J. & Rosenberg, R. (2003). Towards a greater understanding of pattern, scale and process in marine benthic systems: a picture is worth a thousand worms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 285–286: 313– 338
- Smith, C.J., Rumohr, H., Karakassis I. & Papadopoulou K.-N. (2003). Analysing the impact of bottom trawls on sedimentary seabeds with sediment profile imagery. Benthic Dynamics: in situ surveillance of the sediment-water interface. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 285–286: 479– 496
- Smith, C.J., Papadopoulou, K.-N. & Diliberto, S. (2000). Impact of Otter trawling on an eastern Mediterranean commercial fishing ground. ICES Journal of Marine Science; 57: 1340-1351.