She has attended special training courses in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from the National Technical University of Athens, Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Laboratory of Geography & Spatial Analysis.
During 2000-2013, she has held a position as technological scientific personnel in Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters (former Institute of Inland Waters) of Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR). She has scientific interests on the applications of the GIS technology (integrated system of collection, storage, analysis and visualization of spatial information related to natural phenomena, digitizing, geo-referencing and analyzing, data and maps of topography, geology, land uses, aerophotographs, or satellite images, etc) and webGIS applications, as well.
Particularly, she participates in the development and operation of crisis management systems with GIS applications, Model Builder and Geo-informatics with interacting maps and web-based information services and also the geodatabases processing and management. Moreover, due to project’s needs she also undertakes the planning of ecological informative leaflets (posters, stickers, brochures, booklets, etc), the websites design and management, the administrative and managerial project support and also the financial management of EU and National Projects.
She has participated in more than 20 national and european projects. She has contributed 2 papers in peer-reviewed journals, as well as more than 2 other publications (i.e., conference proceedings, special publications, newspaper and magazines) and co-authored more than 10 technical reports.
- Awards and Recognition:
– Best-Life project award in 2009 for the Life-Nature project entitled: ‘Actions for the Conservation of Mediterranean Temporary Ponds in Crete’ – MEDPONDS. (member of the Project’s team),
– 1st award distinction for the best project in International Forum ‘Hydrorama 2002’ organized by Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP SA) on March 2002 in Athens. Participation with subject: ‘‘Sustainable management of water resources in hydrological catchment of Trichonis lake’’. (member of the Project’s team).
- Websites:
- Booklets