George I. Christides

George I. Christides

Scientific Personnel

Tel: +30-211-1065232
Fax: +30-210-9811713

Short CV

  • B.Sc., Ichthyology and Fisheries, Technical School of Ichthyology and Fisheries of Messolonghi, Greece (1985).

Christides I. George is a technologist ichthyologist at the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters HCMR. He has studied the trawls’ impact on the Greek seas and discards, and he has been involved in studies on the age, fertility, and reproduction of fish and cephalopods and deep-water fisheries. Mr. Christides has more than 20 years of experience in research activities in the field (field sampling aboard fishing vessels), and laboratory analyses of fisheries samples (fish anatomy, otolith extraction, otolith preparation for aging in image analysis, image analysis of otoliths, and scales fish reproduction analysis, data archiving in databases and spreadsheets, etc.). For the last ten years, he has also been responsible for the maintenance of the field and the laboratory equipment and supply of necessary materials and equipment of the Institute for Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters in Argyroupolis.

He has been involved in several projects such as:

  • Campagne internationale de chalutage démersal en Méditerranée (MEDITS 1996-2000-GR),
  • Investigation of new biological resources in the Deep waters of the Ionian Sea. Program INTERREG II Greece-Italy (1999-2001).
  • Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food/Greece,163426/21/3/2003, “Development of coastal fisheries in South Aegean”. PEP-FAD-WFP (2003-2005) Southern Aegean,
  • 3rd Social Support Framework, 72887, “Study of fisheries sustainability of the Argolikos Gulf” EP.AL. 2000-2006. Measure 4.4., Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food/Greece,163426/21/3/2003,
  • “Boat seine fishing impacts on fishery stocks”. EPAL 2000-2006 (Task 4.4, Cod. No 128432/1),
  • DEEP FISH (EU/CT95-0655), MUGIL (INCO-CT-2006-026180),
  • Development of the Greek fisheries’ assessment of demersal stocks that are commercially important in S. Aegean. 1995-1998 Project code 125,
  • FAIR Project CT 95-0655, “Exploration of pristine red shrimp resources and comparison with exploited ones in the Ionian Sea”. (RESHIO)-Studies 1999-2002/DG XIV/Contract No 99/029, -N.C.M.R.,
  • “International bottom trawl surveys in the Mediterranean” (MEDITS 2001- today GR).E.U.-N.C.M.R.,
  • “National Program for fisheries data collection” (EU/DCR and EU/DCF; 2001-today),
  • CoralFISH (Reference no FP7-213144), (2010) “Developing fisheries management indicators and targets”,
  • “Investigation and application study of the ecosystemic approach to the fishery in the Ionian Sea (Greece) and Black Sea (Romania)” 2012-2014 (Con. Num.: GGRT11 ROM 34_2_ET30).

He has also participated in many conferences, meetings, and workshops with announcements.

Research Interests

  • Technological issues related to Fisheries Biology.
  • Age and growth on demersal and deep water of fish species.
  • Feeding analysis.
  • Improvement of selectivity fishing gears.

Indicative Publications

  • Mytilineou Ch., Smith C.J., Anastasopoulou A., Papadopoulou K.N., Christidis G., Bekas P., Kavadas S., Dokos J. (2014). New cold-water coral occurrences in the Eastern Ionian Sea: Results from experimental long line fishing, Elsevier, Deep-Sea Research II 99, 146-157, Ref. 69,
  • Crise A. et al. (2015). A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: the PERSEUS experience” Elsevier, Marine Pollution Bulletin 95, 28-39. Ref. 51,
  • Yokeş, M. B., et al., (November 2018). New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records, Mediterranean Marine Science, 19(3), 673–689. Ref. 21,
  • Anastasopoulou, A., Mytilineou Ch., Lefkaditou E., Kavadas S., Bekas P., Smith C.J., Papadopoulou K.N., and Christides G. (2013). The diet and feeding ecology of Conger conger (l. 1758) in the deep waters of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Medit. Mar. Sci., 14(2), 365–368. Ref. 17,
  • Bekas P., Mytilineou C., Anastasopoulou A., Lefkaditou E., Smith C., Papadopoulou K.N., & Christidis G. Polyprion americanus Occurence in a coral and non-coral area of the eastern Ionian Sea ICZEGAR 2012.
  • Kapiris, K., Dogrammatzi, A., Christides G., Kallias, H., 2008. Preliminary results on the Decapod fauna of the Argolikos Gulf (Central Aegean Sea). 9th Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea, 2-6 September 2008, Turin, Italy. Abstracts: 64.
  • Kapiris, K., Kavadas S., Kallias, H., Dogrammatzi, A., Christides G. 2008. Preliminary results on the Decapod fauna of the Argolikos Gulf (Central Aegean Sea). 4ο Panellenic Congress Ecology: Current research trends in Ecology. Volos 9-12 October, Abstracts Volume: 106.
  • Lefkaditou E., Karkani M., Christidis G., Kavadas S., Anastasopoulou A. & Mytilineou Ch. Litter composition on the shelf and upper slope of the Argosaronikos region and the eastern Ionian Sea, as evidenced by MEDITS (bottom trawl) surveys 1995-2008.
  • Mytilineou Ch., Anastasopoulou A., Christides G., Bekas P., Smith C. J., Papadopoulou K. N., Lefkaditou E. & S. Kavadas. (2013) New records of rare deep-water fish species in the Eastern Ionian Sea. J. Natural History, p.: 1645-1662 | Received 12 Apr 2012, Accepted 07 Feb 2013, Published online: 20 Jun 2013, Ref. 13,
  • Mytilineou Ch., Anastasopoulou A., Smith C. J., Papadopoulou K. N., Kavadas S., Dogrammatzi, A., Christides G., Comparison of CPUE, biological and population parameters of fish species inhabiting a deep-water coral and a non-coral area in the Eastern Ionian Sea. Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World 7th -11th May 2012 Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Mytilineou C., Anastasopoulou A., Christides G., Bekas P., J. SMITH C., Papadopoulou K. N., Lefkaditou E., and Kavadas S., New records of rare deep-water fish species in the Eastern Ionian Sea Do they indicate climate changes? Sient. Mar. 2012.
  • Smith C.J., Papadopoulou K-N., Mytilineou Ch., Anastasopoulou A., Kavadas S., Siapatis A., Dogrammatzi K. & Christidis G. Deep sea fish biodiversity: comparisons of coral and non-coral areas World Conference on Marine Biodiversity Aberdeen 2011.
  • Vassilopoulou V., Siapatis A., Christides G. & Bekas P. Life history aspects of the pilotfish (Naucrates Ductor) in Greek waters 7th Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries 182.
  • Kapiris K., Christidis G., (June 2018) Strandings of Charismatic species in the deep waters of the E. Ionian Sea Poster, 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries in the Ionian University, Corfu, 30 May – 3 June 2018.
2022-06-24T10:17:24+03:0001/09/2021|Our people, Scientists|

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