John Haralabous
Research Associate
Short CV
- BSc in Biology, University of Athens, Greece (1988)
- MSc Courses on Artificial Neural Networks and Robust Adaptive Control, Technical University of Crete, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chania, Crete (1995)
He has attended special training courses in Informatics, Biotechnology for aquatic resources, Qualification on sea bream & sea bass Aquaculture, Modern RDBMS, Relational Databases, Biostatistics and Bayesian Methodology in Fisheries.
During 1989-1990, he worked as Production Manager at the Dept. of Injections & Blood derivatives of the Greek branch of the Dutch Pharmaceutical company ‘Organon’ in Athens. During 1991-2003, he held a position as a Technical assistant at the Department of Hydroacoustics and Marine Information Systems of the Institute of Marine Biology of Crete (IMBC). Since 2003, he has held a position as a Biostatistician at the Institute of Marine Biological Resources & Inland Waters of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research in Athens.
He has research interests on survey design, biostatistical & geostatistical analysis of marine-fisheries-environmental data, artificial neural networks, fish population dynamics, fish stock assessment, bycatch & discards, geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS) & mapping, fishery & ecological Indicators, precautionary approach & risk assessment in fisheries management and operating models for evaluating alternative fisheries management scenarios. He has participated in more than 23 national and international projects, the majority financed by the European Union (EU).
He has participated in more than 30 national and international Symposia/Congresses and Workshops. and he had been invited speaker on the use and potential application of Artificial Neural Networks in fishery surveys at the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway.
He has contributed 23 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 3 book chapters, as well as more than 50 other publications (i.e. conference proceedings, special publications) and co-authored 10 technical reports.
Indicative Publications
- Uhlmann SS, van Helmond A, Stefánsdóttir EK, Sigurðardóttir S, Haralabous J, Bellido J-M, Carbonell A, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Fauconnet L, Feekings J, Garcia T, Madsen N, Mallold S, Margeirsson S, Palialexis A, Readdy L, Valeiras J, Vassilopoulou V, Rochet M-J. Discarded fish in European waters: general patterns and contrasts. ICES Journal of Marine Science (in press)
- Mytilineou Ch, Tsagarakis K, Bekas P, Anastasopoulou A, Kavadas S, Machias A, Haralabous J, Smith CJ, Petrakis G, Dokos J, Kapandagakis A. Spatial distribution and aspects of the life history of blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo (Brünnich 1768) (Osteichtyes: Sparidae) from the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Fish Biology (in press)
- Lefkaditou E, Tsigenopoulos CS, Alidromiti C, Haralabous J (2012) On the occurrence of Alloteuthis subulata in the Eastern Ionian Sea and its distinction from the sympatric Alloteuthis media. Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki 17:169-175
- Raitsos DE, Lavender SJ, Maravelias CD, Haralabous J, Richardson AJ, Reid PC (2010) Macroscale factors affecting diatom abundance: a synergistic use of Continuous Plankton Recorder and satellite remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 32:2081-2094
- Maravelias CD, Hillary R, Haralabous J, Tsitsika EV (2010) Stochastic bioeconomic modelling of alternative management measures for anchovy in the Mediterranean Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 67:1291-1300
- Katsanevakis S, Maravelias CD, Vassilopoulou V, Haralabous J (2010) Boat seines in Greece: Landings profiles and identification of potential métiers. Scientia Marina 74:65-76
- Venou Β, Alexis MN, Fountoulaki E, Haralabous J (2009) Performance factors, body composition and digestion characteristics of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) fed pelleted or extruded diets. Aquaculture Nutrition 15:390-401
- Tsitsika EV, Maravelias CD, Watage P, Haralabous J (2008) Fishing capacity and capacity utilization of Mediterranean purse seine fishery using Data Envelopment Analysis. Fisheries Science 74:730-735
- Raitsos DE, Lavender SJ, Maravelias CD, Haralabous J, Richardson AJ, Reid PC (2008) Identifying phytoplankton functional groups from space: an ecological approach. Limnology and Oceanography 53:605-613
- Tsitsika EV, Maravelias CD, Haralabous J (2007) Modelling and forecasting pelagic fish production using univariate and multivariate ARIMA models. Fisheries Science 73:977-986.
- Venou Β, Alexis MN, Fountoulaki E, Haralabous J (2006) Effects of extrusion and inclusion level of soybean meal on diet digestibility, performance and nutrient utilization of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Aquaculture 261:343-356
- Maravelias CD, Haralabous J, Papakonstantinou C (2003) Predicting demersal fish species distributions in the Mediterranean Sea using artificial neural networks. Marine Ecology Progress Series 255:249-258
- Giannoulaki M, Machias A, Koutsikopoulos C, Haralabous J, Somarakis S, Tsimenides N (2003) The effect of coastal topography on the spatial structure of the populations of small pelagic fish.Marine Ecology Progress Series 265:243-253
- Maravelias CD, Reid DG, Simmonds EJ, Haralabous J (1996) Spatial Analysis and Mapping of Acoustic Survey Data in the presence of High Local Variability: Geostatistical Application to North Sea Herring (Clupea harengus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:1497-1505
- Maravelias CD, Haralabous J (1995) Spatial distribution of herring in the Orkney/Shetland area (northern North Sea): A Geostatistical Analysis. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 34:319-329