Short CV
- BSc in Biology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1993-1998)
- MSc in Hydrobiology-Aquacultures, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1998-2000)
- PhD in the Department of Zoology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2001-2008)
She has attended special training courses on static fishing gear selectivity (1999), and Scratchpads biodiversity online: social networking tool to build, share and publish biodiversity information (2012).
During 8/2010-8/2012 she has served as a scientific consultant of the “Panhellenic Union of Middle Range Fisheries Shipowners (PEPMA)”, and since 2/2013 she has held a position as a research associate in the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research.
She has research interests on fish systematics and distribution; alien species; fish biology and ecomorphology; feeding ecology of fish. She has participated in more than 30 national and international scientific projects.
She is a member of the editorial board of the following scientific journals: Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, and Mediterranean Marine Science. She is also an official collaborator of FishBase (the largest electronic database on fishes), since 1999, and a member of the Greek group of FishBase consortium (since September 2004). Since 2018 she is the National Contact Scientist for Greece, in the ESENIAS network. Finally, she is a member of the experts group responsible for the development and management of ELNAIS (Ellenic Network on Aquatic Invasive Species) of HCMR.
She has contributed more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 3 book chapters, 1 book, as well more than 100 other publications (i.e., conference proceedings, special publications, newspaper and magazines; technical reports).
Indicative Publications
- Vagenas G, Papadopoulou P, Karachle PK. 2021. sBCB (standardized Burn-Crack-Burn): A standardized modification of burning method for otolith age estimation. – Fisheries Research, 233: 105767. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105767 Corrigendum doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105818
- Yoğurtçuoğlu B, Ekmekçi FG, Karachle PK. 2021. A review and assessment of fish trophic levels in a large reservoir of central Anatolia, Turkey. – Marine and Freshwater Research (in press). doi: 10.1071/MF20161
- Vagenas G, Karachle PK, Dogrammatzi A, Tsikliras AC. 2020. Age and growth, feeding habits, and related morphometric features of boarfish (Capros aper, Linnaeus, 1758) in the Aegean & Ionian Seas, Greece. – Marine Biology Studies. doi: 10.1080/17451000.2020.1855657
- Karachle PK, Stamouli A, Dogrammatzi A. 2020. Notes on the biology of the Sharpnose sevengill shark Heptranchias perlo (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Myrtoon Sea, SouthWest Aegean Archipelago, Greece) and its records in the Mediterranean Sea. – Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 30 (2): 131-146. doi: 10.19233/ASHS.2020.15
- Peyton J, Martinou AF, Adriaens T, Chartosia N, Karachle PK, Rabitsch W, Tricarico E, Arianoutsou M, Bacher S, Bazos I, Brundu G, Mcclung B, Charalambidou I, Demetriou M, Erguler K, Galanidi M, Galil B, Guillem R, Hadjiafxentis K, Hadjioannou L, Hadjistylli M, Hall-Spencer J, Jimenez C, Johnstone G, Key J, Kleitou P, Kleitou D, Koularidou D, Leontiou S, Maczey N, Michailidis N, Mountford JO, Papatheodoulou A, Phanis C, Preda C, Rorke S, Shaw RH, Solarz W, Taylor C, Trajanovski S, Tziortzis I, Tzirkalli E, Uludag A, Vimercati G, Zdraveski K, Zenetos A, Roy HE. 2020. Horizon-scanning for future invasive alien species of concern with potential to threaten human health and economies on Cyprus. – Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 566281. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.566281
- Zenetos A, Karachle PK, Corsini-Foka M, Gerovasileiou V, Simboura N, Xentidis N-J, Tsiamis K. 2020. Is the trend in new introductions of marine non-indigenous species a reliable criterion for assessing good environmental status? The case study of Greece. – Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 (3): 775-793. doi: 10.12681/mms.25136
- Katsanevakis S, Poursanidis D, Hoffman R, Rizgalla J, Bat-Sheva Rothman S, Levitt-Barmats Y, Hadjioannou L, Trkov D, Garmendia JM, RIZZO M, BARTOLO AG, Bariche M, Tomas F, Kleitou P, Schembri PJ, Kletou D, Tiralongo F, Pergent C, Pergent G, Azzurro E, Bilecenoglu M, Lodola A, Ballesteros E, Gerovasileiou V, Verlaque M, Occhipinti-Ambrogi A, Kytinou E, Dailianis T, Ferrario J, Crocetta F, Jimenez C, Evans J, Ragkousis M, Lipej L, Borg JA, Dimitriadis C, Chatzigeorgiou G, Albano PG, Kalogirou S, Bazairi H, Espinosa F, Ben Souissi J, Tsiamis K, Badalamenti F, Langeneck J, Noel P, Deidun A, Marchini A, Skouradakis G, Royo L, Sini M, Bianchi CN, Sghaier Y-R, Ghanem R, Doumpas N, Zaouali J, Tsirintanis K, Papadakis O, Morri C, Çinar Me, Terrados J, Insacco G, Zava B, Soufi-Kechaou E, Piazzi L, Ounifi Ben Amor K, Andriotis E, Gambi MC, Ben Amor MM, Garrabou J, Linares C, Fortic A, Digenis M, Cebrian E, Fourt M, Zotou M, Castriota L, Di Martino V, Rosso A, Pipitone C, Falautano M, Garcia M, Zakhama-Sraieb R, Khamassi F, Mannino AM, Ktari MH, Kosma I, Rifi M, Karachle PK, Yapici S, Bos AR, Balistreri P, Ramos Espla A, Tempesti J, Inglese O, Giovos I, Damalas D, Benhissoune S, Huseyinoglu MF, Rjiba-Bahri W, Santamaria J, Orlando-Bonaca M, Izquierdo A, Stamouli C, Montefalcone M, Cerim H, Golo R, Tsioli S, Orfanidis S, Michailidis N, Gaglioti M, Taskin E, Mancuso E, Žunec A, Cvitkovic I, Filiz H, Sanfilippo R, Siapatis A, Mavric B, Karaa S, Türker A, Monniot F, Verdura J, El Ouamari N, Selfati M, Zenetos A. 2020. Unpublished Mediterranean records of marine alien species. – Bioinvasions Records, 9 (2): 165–182.
- Karachle PK, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras A. 2020. Is shore-based recreational fishing in Greece an unregulated activity that increases catch uncertainty? – Regional Studies in Marine Science, 36: 101273doi: 10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101273
- Karachle PK, Gavriil E, Dritsas M. 2020. First record of two alien fishes from Saronikos Gulf: Chaetodipterus faber (Broussonet, 1782) and Acanthurus cfr gahhm (Forsskål, 1775). –p. 138-139. In: New Mediterranean Marine biodiversity records (March, 2020). Bariche et al., Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 (1): 129-145. doi: 10.12681/mms.21987
- Dimitriadis C, Galanidi M, Zenetos A, Corsini-Foka M, Giovos I, Karachle PK, Fournari–Konstantinidoy I, Kytinou E, Issaris Y, Azzurro E, Castriota L, Falautano M, Kalimeris A, Katsanevakis S. 2020. Updating the occurrences of Pterois miles in the Mediterranean Sea, with considerations on thermal boundaries and future range expansion. – Mediterranean Marine Science, 21(1): 62-69. doi: 10.12681/mms.21845
- Arvanitidis C, Gerovasileiou V, Karachle PK, Zenetos A. 2019. Editorial. New horizons for the Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries. – Mediterranean Marine Science, 20(4) Special Issue: 657-659. doi: 10.12681/mms.22047
- Sini M, Vatikiotis K, Thanopoulou Z, Katsoupis C, Maina I, Kavadas S, Karachle PK, Katsanevakis S. 2019. Small-Scale coastal fishing shapes the structure of shallow rocky reef fish in the Aegean Sea. – Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 599. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00599
- Peyton J, Martinou AF, Pescott OL, Demetriou M, Adriaens T, Arianoutsou M, Bazos I, Bean CW, Botham M, Britton JR, Cervia JL, Charilaou P, Chartosia N, Dean HJ, Delipetrou P, Dimitriou A, Dörflinger G, Fawcett J, Fyttis G, Galanidis A, Galil B, Hadjikyriakou T, Hadjistylli M, Ieronymidou C, Jimenez C, Karachle PK, Kassinis N, Kerametsidis G, Kirschel ANG, Kleitou P, Kleitou D, Manolaki P, Michaelides N, Mountford JO, Nikolaou C, Papatheodoulou A, Payiatas G, Ribeiro F, Rorke SL, Samuel Y, Savvidis P, Schafer AM, Tarkan AS, Silva-Rocha I, Top N, Tricarico E, Turvey K, Tziortzis I, Tzirkalli E, Verreycken H, Winfield IJ, Zenetos A, Roy HE. 2019. Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity and human health on a Mediterranean island. – Biological Invasions, 21 (6): 2107–2125.
- Michailidis N, Corrales X, Karachle PK, Chartosia N, Katsanevakis S, Sfenthourakis S. 2019. Modelling the role of alien species and fisheries in an Eastern Mediterranean insular shelf ecosystem. – Ocean and Coastal Management, 175: 152-171.
- Petza D, Chalkias C, Koukourouvli N, Coll M, Vassilopoulou V, Karachle PK, Markantonatou V, Tsikliras A, Katsanevakis S. 2019. An operational framework to assess the value of fisheries restricted areas for marine conservation. – Marine Policy, 102: 28-39.
- Rios MF, Venerus LA, Karachle PK, Reid WDK, Erzini K, Stergiou KI, Galvan DE. 2019. Linking size-based trophodynamics and morphological traits in marine fishes. – Fish and Fisheries, 20: 355-367.
- Roy HE, Groom Q, Adriaens T, Agnello G, Antic M, Archambeau A-S, Bacher S, Bonn A, Brown P, Brundu G, Claramunt Lopez B, Cleary M, Cogalniceanu D, De Groot M, De Sousa T, Deidun A, Essl F, Fisher Pecnikar Z, Gazda A, Gervasini E, Glavendikic MM, Gigot G, Jelaska SD, JESCHLE JM, Kaminski D, Karachle PK, Komives T, Lapin K, Lucy F, Marchante E, Marisavljevic D, Marja R, Martin Torrijos L, Martinou A, Matosevic D, Mifsud C-M, Motiejunaite J, Ojaveer H, Pasalic N, Pekarik L, Per E, Pergl J, Pesic V, Pocock M, Reino L, Ries C, Rozylowicz L, Schade S, Sigurdsson S, Steinitz O, Stern N, Teofilovski A, Thorsson J, Tomov R, Tricarico E, Trichkova T, Tsiamis K, Van Valkenburg J, Vella N, Verbrugge L, Vetek G, Villaverde C, Witzell J, Zenetos A, Cardoso A-C. 2018. Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science (Alien-CSI). – Research Ideas and Outcomes, 4: e31412. doi: 10.3897/rio.4.e31412
- Zenetos A, Corsini-Foka M, Crocetta F, Gerovasileiou V, Karachle PK, Simboura N, Tsiamis K, Pancucci-Papadopoulou M-A. 2018. Deep cleaning of alien species records in the Greek Seas (2018 update). – Management of Biological Invasions, 9 (3): 209–226