Konstantinos Gritzalis
Main Research
Short CV
- BSc in Biology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- PhD in the Department of Philosophy, School of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
He has attended special training courses in:
- International Training Workshop on Marine Culture. Organized by: U.N.E.S.C.O. & I.O.F.R.
- SEMINAR E.O.C. – Project COMETT: Industry and Environment. Risk management of coastal water quality. Organized by: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Faculty of Engineering, Division of Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering.
- SEMINAR E.O.C. – Project COMETT: Industry and Environment. Water resources under climatic change. Organized by: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Faculty of Engineering, Division of Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering.
- International Workshop River Invertebrate Prediction & Classification System Organized by: Environment Agency, United Kingdom.
- European Training courses on Water Quality Measurements. Organized by:
1) Università degli Studi di Trento (Italia), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale. 2) Istituto Agrario San Michele all’Adige (Italia), Dipartimento di Ricerca Naturale ed Ambientale. 3) TECHWARE (TECHnology for WAter Resources), Italia. 4) CISBA (Centro Italiano Studi di Biologia Ambientale), Italia. - 11th Seminar on Philosophy of Ecology. Organised: Department of Philosophy, School of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
- Advanced Study Course on: Groundwater Ecology: A Tool for Management of Water Resources. Organized by: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Limnology & European Commission, Environment and Climate Programme.
- 12th Seminar of Philosophy on Ecological values, Department of Philosophy, School of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
- River Habitat Survey Certificate. The Environment Agency (UK) for Konstantinos C. Gritzalis: Certify as accredited by the Environment Agency as a River Habitat Surveyor. Date of accreditation: May, 1st, 2002. Accreditation Number: HP 60.
- Seminar on the Legal Dimension of the Environment. Organised: Athens Bar Association. During the last ten years, he has held a position as a special research scientist in freshwater ecology. He co-supervised 2 MSc theses and co-supervises one PhD thesis.He has research interests onTaxonomy and ecophysiology on freshwater and coastal zone fauna.
Assessing the freshwater quality by the use of freshwater fauna (biotic indices) in relation with various chemical (nutrients, heavy metals, organic carbon, fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, phenolic compounts etc) and other parameters (hydromorphology of riverine systems, climatic conditions etc).
Environmental studies on lakes, and coastal zones.
Human health and environmental modifications – degradations.
Philosophical anthropology.
Philosophy of the medicine.
Mankind and medical activities in relation with the natural environment (climatopathology, environmental management) in the antiquity.Scientific and administration activities as expert in Greek and International committees for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EU (Water Quality). He has participated in 35 national and international projects and co-ordinated 1 European Union (EU) project and 1 National project.He was/is a member of the following scientific committees: 1) Balkan Medical Union, 2) Greek Association of Biological Sciences, 3) Greek Philosophical Society, 4) International Association for Greek Philosophy.
He has participated in the Steering Committee of 6 national or international Symposia/Congresses and organized-coordinated 7 Workshops. He serves on the Editorial Board of the journal Archives d’ Histoire des Sciences de Santé.
He has contributed 34 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters, as well as more than 210 other publications (i.e. conference proceedings, special publications, newspaper and magazine articles) and co-authored 21 technical reports.
Indicative Publications
- Solà E, Sluys R, Gritzalis K, Riutort M (2013) Fluvial basin history in the northeastern Mediterranean Region underlies dispersal and speciation patterns in the genus Dugesia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66:877-888
- Gritzalis K, Karamanou M, Tsoukalas G, Laios K, Androutsos G (2013) La Contribution de l’éminent médecin Emmanouel Mandalakis au dévelopment de l’hydrothérapie et de la climatothérapie en Grèce moderne. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union 48:225-228
- Gritzalis KC, Anastasopoulou E, Georgiopoulos N, Markogianni V, Skoulikidis N (2013) Water quality and Benthic fauna biodiversity in a unique small wetland at Messinia Greece. Journal of Environmental Biology (accepted)
- Gritzalis KC, Anastasopoulou E, Markogianni V, Georgiopoulos N. Assessing tools and methods for water quality monitoring in medium sized rivers. The case of Arkadikos River (Messinia, Greece). Submitted to Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (11/2013)
- Sluys R, Solà E, Gritzalis K, Vila-Farré M, Mateos E, Riutort M (2013) Integrative delineation of species of Mediterranean freshwater planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Dugesiidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 169:523-547
- Dimitriou E, Mentzafou A, Zogaris S, Tzortziou M, Gritzalis K, Karaouzas I, Nikolaidis Ch (2012) Assessing the environmental status and identifying the dominant pressures of a trans-boundary river catchment, to facilitate efficient management and mitigation practices. Environmental Earth Sciences 66:1839-1852
- Gritzalis KC (2011) The concept of pendants and their applications in Ancient Greek Medicine. Archives d’ Histoire des Sciences de Santé 3:47-51
- Gritzalis KC, Karamanou M, Androutsos G (2011) Gout in the writings of eminent ancient Greek and Byzantine physicians. Acta medico-historica Adriatica 101-106
- Gritzalis KC (2009) Medico philosophical aspects on the importance of nutrition and mental pabulum for the human health in the Byzantine era. Psychiatriki 20:233
- Gritzalis KC (2009) The views of the medico philosopher Johannes Actuarius (c.1275 – c.1328) on the human nervous system. Psychiatriki 20:233-234
- Karaouzas I, Dimitriou E, Skoulikidis N, Gritzalis K, Colombari E (2009) Linking hydrogeological and ecological tools for an integrated river catchment assessment. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 14:677-689
- Skoulikidis N, Karaouzas I, Gritzalis K (2009) Identifying key environmental variables structuring benthic fauna for establishing a biotic typology for Greek running waters. Limnologica 39:56-66
- Gritzalis KC (2008) Surface water modifications and human health protection from antiquity to present. Study of various cases with emphasis to Evrotas River, (SE Peloponnese), Greece. Analecta Historico Medica, Anno VI, n.2, Luglio-Dicembre 2008. [Addendum al II volume] 74-84
- Gritzalis KC (2008) The biological elements and the aspects on human biology of Demetrios Pepagomenos (AD 13th century) in his work “Syntagma peri Podagras” (=Compendium on Gout). Analecta Historico Medica, Anno VI, n.2, Luglio-Dicembre 2008. [Addendum al II volume], pp. 85-92.
- Karaouzas I, Gritzalis KC, Skoulikidis NT (2007) Land use effects on macroinvertebrate assemblages and stream quality along an agricultural river basin. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 16:645-653
- Furse M, Hering D, Moog O, Verdonschot P, Johnson RK, Brabec K, Gritzalis K, Buffagni A, Pinto P, Friberg N, Murray-Bligh J, Kokes J, Alber R, Usseglio-Polatera P, Haase P, Sweeting R, Bis B, Szoszkiewicz K, Soszka H, Springe G, Sporka F, Krno I (2006) The STAR project: context, objectives and approaches. In: M. T. Furse, D. Hering, K. Brabec, A. Buffagni, L. Sandin & P. F. M. Verdonschot (eds). The Ecological Status of European Rivers: Evaluation and Intercalibration of Assessment Methods. Hydrobiologia 566:3-29
- Gritzalis KC, Karaouzas I, Skoulikidis N (2006) Assessing the ecological quality of running waters of Thrace region (N.E. Greece) by the use of macroinvertebrate indicators. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 15:1182-1188
- Karaouzas I, Gritzalis KC (2006) Local and regional factors determining aquatic and semi-aquatic bug (Heteroptera) assemblages in rivers and streams of Greece. Hydrobiologia 573:199-212
- Skoulikidis N, Amaxidis Y, Bertahas I, Laschou S, Gritzalis K (2006) Analysis of factors driving stream water composition and synthesis of management tools – A case study on small/medium Greek catchments. The Science of the Total Environment 362: 205-241
- Skoulikidis N, Gritzalis K, Kouvarda Th, Buffagni A (2004) The development of an ecological quality assessment and classification system for Greek running waters based on benthic macroinvertebrates. Hydrobiologia 516:149-160
- Skoulikidis N, Gritzalis K, Kouvarda Th (2002) Hydrochemical and ecological quality assessment of a Mediterranean river system. GlobalNest 4:29-40
- Gritzalis K, Bogdanos K, Skoulikidis N, Bertahas I, Koussouris Th (1998) Ecological classification of the upper part of Aliakmon River, Greece. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 7:351-355
- Skoulikidis N, Gritzalis K (1998) Greek river inputs in the Mediterranean, Their intra-annual and inter-annual variations. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 7:90-95
- Nikolaidis N, Koussouris T, Murray T, Bertahas I, Diapoulis A, Gritzalis K (1996) Seasonal variation of nutrients and heavy metals in Phragmites australis of lake Trichonis, Greece. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 12:364-370
- Conides A, Koussouris Th, Fotis G, Gritzalis G, Parpoura A (1995) Nutrient relationships of Greek lakes: A preliminary report on eutrophication monitoring, assessment and forecasting. GeoJournal 36: 383-390
- Conides A, Koussouris Th, Gritzalis K, Bertahas I (1995) Zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha: population dynamics and notes on control strategies in a reservoir in Western Greece. Lake and Reservoir Management 11:329-336
- Conidis A, Koussouris T, Fotis G, Gritzalis K, Parpoura A (1995) Nutrient relationship of Greek lakes: Water eutrophication, monitoring, assessment and forecasting. GeoJournal 36:383-390
- Fotis G, Conides A, Koussouris Th, Diapoulis A, Gritzalis K (1992) Fishery potential of lakes in Macedonia, North Greece. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 1:523-528
- Koussouris T, Diapoulis A, Bertahas I, Gritzalis K (1989) Self- Purification processes along a polluted river in Greece. Water Science and Technology 21:1869-1872