Mediterranean Intermittent River ManAGEment. MIRAGE is a research project within the 7th Framework Program.It comprises a continuation of the research projects tempQsim and LIFE-Evrotas. The aim of MIRAGE is to implement the Water Framework Directive on intermittent flowing river basins.

In this framework, the scientific team of the I.I.W. will validate/improve the biotic indices that have been developed for Evrotas. In addition, the biogeochemical processes controlling water quality and fish and macroinverebrate communities during the drying out process of remaining pools will be assessed.

The better understanding of biogeochemical processes and the designation of the appropriate hydrological conditions of these pools in order to maintain a good ecological status will be the output of this action. Finally, the impact of initial flush floods on sediment transport and on the aquatic quality will be assessed.