Short CV
- BSc in Mathematics, University of Göteborg, Sweden (1986)
During 1992, he has held a position as a research associate in Fisheries Data Center. He is responsible for the fisheries data center of the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters; IT officer responsible for the Data bases of the National Data Collection Programme; responsible for the Implementation of the GFCM First Strategic Framework Programme; computer expert in ORACLE, C, C++, Java, Pascal, PLSLQ, S-Plus, R, Assembly, Paradox Application Language, ML GIS, ARCGIS, GIS server, Surfer and network communications.
He supervise(d)s 2 MSc and 1 PhD theses.
He has research interests on: design and development fisheries databases, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), VMS analysis, classical and advanced statistical analysis, geostatistical models, design and developed web-based integrated database-GIS management systems, management and support field electronic systems (SCANMAR, SIMRAD, CTD).
He has participated in more than 60 national and international projects.
He has contributed 35 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters, as well as more than 120 other publications (i.e., conference proceedings, special publications, newspaper and magazine articles) and co-authored 60 technical reports.
Indicative Publications
- Mytilineou Ch, Smith CJ, Anastasopoulou A, Papadopoulou K, Christidis G, Bekas P, Kavadas S, Dokos J. New cold‐water coral occurrences in the eastern Ionian Sea: results from experimental long line fishing. Deep Sea Research II (in press)
- Anastasopoulou A, Mytilineou Ch, Lefkaditou E, Kavadas S, Bekasv, Smith CJ, Papadopoulou KN, Christides G (2013) The diet and feeding ecology of Conger conger (l. 1758) in the deep waters of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science 14:365-368
- Damalas D, Maravelias CD, Kavadas S (2013) Advances in fishing power, a study spanning 50 years. Reviews in Fisheries Science, BRFS-2013-0016 in press
- Kavadas S, Damalas D, Georgakarakos S, Maravelias C, Tserpes G, Papaconstantinou C, Bazigos G (2013) IMAS-Fish: Integrated MAnagement System to support the sustainability of Greek Fisheries resources. A multidisciplinary web-based database management system: implementation, capabilities, utilization and future prospects for fisheries stakeholde. Mediterranean Marine Science 14:109-118
- Mytilineou Ch, Tsagarakis K, Bekas P, Anastasopoulou A, Kavadas S, Machias A, Haralabous J, Smith CJ, Petrakis G, Dokos J, Kapandagakis A (2013) Spatial distribution and aspects of the life history of blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo (Brünnich 1768) (Osteichtyes: Sparidae) from the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Fish Biology 83:1551-1575
- Issaris Y, Katsanevakis S, Pantazi M, Vassilopoulou V, Panayotidis P, Kavadas S, Kokkali A, Salomidi M, Frantzis A, Panou A, Damalas D, Klaoudatos D, Sakellariou D, Drakopoulou V, Kyriakidou C, Maina I, Fric J, Smith C, GIakoumi S, Karris G (2012) Ecological mapping and data quality assessment for the needs of ecosystem-based marine spatial management: case study Greek Ionian Sea and the adjacent gulfs. Mediterranean Marine Science 13:297-311
- Mytilineou Ch, Anastasopoulou A, Christides G, Bekas P, Smith CJ, Papadopoulou KN, Lefkaditou E, Kavadas S (2013) New records of rare deep-water fish species in the Eastern Ionian Sea. Journal of Natural History 47:1645-1662
- Maynou F, M. Sbrana, P. Sartor, C. Maravelias, S. Kavadas, D. Damalas, F. Colloca, J. E. Cartes, G. Osio (2011) Estimating trends of population decline in long-lived marine species (dolphins, turtles and sharks) in the Mediterranean Sea based on fishers’ perceptions. PLoS ONE 6:e21818
- Kapiris K, Kavvadas S (2009) Morphometric strudy of the red shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Aquatic Ecology 43:1061-1071
- Bazigos G, Kavadas S (2007) Optimal sampling designs for large-scale fishery sample surveys in Greece. Mediterranean Marine Sciense 8:65-82
- Mytilineou Ch, Kavadas S, Politou C-Y, Kapiris K, Tursi A, Maiorano P (2006) Catch composition in red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus) grounds in the eastern Ionian Sea. Hydrobiologia 557:255-160
- Krstulovic-Sifner S, Lefkaditou E, Ungaro N, Ceriola L, Osmani K, Kavadas S, Vrgoc N (2005) Composition and distribution of the cephalopod fauna in the easterna Adriatic and eastern Ionian Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology 51:315-330
- Mytilineou Ch, Politou C-Y, Papaconstantinou C, Kavadas S, D’ Onghia G, Sion L (2005) Deep-water fish fauna in the eastern Ionian Sea (Greece). Belgian Journal of Zoology 135(2): 229-233.
- Politou C-Y, Tursi A, Kavadas S, Mytilineou Ch, Lembo G, Carlucci R (2003) Fisheries resources in the deep waters of the Eastern Mediterranean (Greek Ionian Sea).Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 31:35-46
- Orsi-Relini L, Papaconstantinou C, Jukic-Peladic S, Souplet A, de Sola LG, Piccinetti C, Kavadas S, Rossi M (2002). Horizontal and vertical distribution of the Mediterranean hakes on the basis of a six years monitoring by trawl-surveys. Some implications concerning biology, stock identification and management. Scientia Marina 66:21-38
- Papaconstantinou C, Kavadas S, Tsimenidis N, Economou AN, Bazigos G (2002) Design of a system for the collection and compilation of basic fisheries statistics in the Mediterranean: A case study for Greece. Fisheries Research 57:155-167
- Papaconstantinou C, Economou A, Kavadas S (1998) Fisheries Information Systems in the Mediterranean. Current state and the need for integration. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes 35:183-189