Short CV
- BSc in Natural Resource Conservation, School of Natural Resource Conservation, University of Florida, USA (1994)
- MSc in Natural Resource Conservation, School of Natural Resource Conservation, University of Florida, USA (1996)
Vasilis D. Valavanis studied conservation biology, geographic information science and remote sensing at the University of Florida’s (USA) School of Forest Resources and Conservation (1989-1997). He has also attended special training courses in GIS, RS and Aquatic Sciences (Fisheries, Oceanography) at the Schools of Geography, Zoology, and Ocean Engineering of the University of Florida, USA. With an environmental biology background, he specialized in the field of Geographical Information Science (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) and the application of these technologies in the disciplines of Fishery Science and Oceanography. Since 1997, he is part of the scientific personnel of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research carrying out EU-funded research projects dealing with the use of GIS, RS and spatial analysis in the investigation of species-environment interactions, essential fish habitat identification, ocean processes mapping as well as Marie Curie-level training programs. As of 2021, he has produced more than 160 scientific publications in the peer-reviewed and grey literature and a number of special issues and articles in peer-reviewed scientific conferences, invited talks and seminar organization in leading scientific symposiums in the field of GIS as well as leading participation as scientific responsible and coordination of more than 25 scientific research projects (1997-2021, more than 10MECU). He is the author of “Geographic Information Systems in Oceanography and Fisheries”, published by Taylor & Francis in May 2002 and the author of numerous book chapters. He is the Editor of “Essential Fish Habitats Mapping in the Mediterranean” published by Springer in October 2008 and co-editor of “Marine Ecosystems and Sustainability” published by Springer in July 2011. He is on the Editorial Board of 2 peer-reviewed scientific journals (Hydrobiologia and Scientia Marina) and a member of the Scientific Board of the leading conference in his field International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences (triennial). More information at:
Indicative Publications
Publication record and reprints:
- Despoti S, Solanou M, Tsoukali S, Valavanis V, Tsagarakis K, Giannoulaki M (2024). Behind the scenery of sea turtle strandings in the Greek Seas (Eastern Mediterranean Sea): spatiotemporal patterns and signs of human interaction. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (submitted)
- Despoti S, Stergiou KI, Tserpes G, Machias A, Tsagarakis K, Vassilopoulou V, Valavanis V, Adamidou A, Giannoulaki M (2024). Can we gain new knowledge from the discarded fraction of the low value commercial species of the bottom trawl fishery? An insight into the Eastern Mediterranean (Aegean Sea, Greece). Hydrobiologia 851, 129-146. reprint
- Farinas-Bermejo A, Berrow S, Gras M, O’Donnell C, Valavanis V, Wall D, Pierce GJ (2023). Response of cetaceans to fluctuations of pelagic fish stocks and environmental conditions within the Celtic Sea ecosystem. Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1033758. reprint
- Despoti S, Stergiou IK, Machias A, Vassilopoulou V, Tsagarakis K, Valavanis V, Adamidou A, Giannoulaki M (2021): Assessing the spatial distribution of five non-commercial fish species in the Aegean Sea (Greece, eastern Mediterranean Sea) based on discards data. Regional Studies in Marine Science 44(5), 101736. reprint
- Farinas-Bermejo A, Berrow S, Gras M, O’Donnell, C Valavanis V, Wall D, Pierce GJ (2021). Response of marine top-predators to fluctuations of pelagic fish stocks within the Celtic Sea ecosystem ICES Annual Science Conference 2021 Sep. 6-9, 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Bueno-Pardo J, GJ Pierce, E Cabecinha, C Grilo, J Assis, V Valavanis, C Pita, J Dubert, F. Leitao, H Queiroga (2020). Trends and drivers of marine fish landings in Portugal since its entrance in the European Union. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (3), 988-1001.
- Bonizzoni S, Furey NB, Santostasi NL, Eddy L, Valavanis VD, Bearzi G (2019). Modelling dolphin distribution within an Important Marine Mammal Area in Greece to support spatial management planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2019, 1-16.
- Moraitis ML, Valavanis VD, Karakassis I (2019). Assessing the regional effects of climate change on the distribution of benthic indicator species in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Science of the Total Environment 667, 16-24.
- Moraitis ML, I Tsikopoulou, A Geropoulos, PD Dimitriou, N Papageorgiou, M Giannoulaki, VD Valavanis, I Karakassis (2018). Molluscan indicator species and their potential use in ecological status assessment using species distribution modeling. Marine Environmental Research 140, 10-17.
- Giannoulaki M, MM Pyroynaki, JH Bourdeix, LB Abdalah, A Bonanno, G Basilone, M Iglesias, A Ventero, A De Felice, I Leonori, VD Valavanis, A Machias, C Saraux (2017). The case of the Atlantic mackerel population in the Mediterranean: Assessing the potential nursery grounds of the species and its relation to environmental conditions. Frontiers in Marine Science 4-230, 1-13.
- Giannoulaki M, Markoglou, E, Valavanis VD, Alexiadou P, Cucknell AC, Frantzis A (2017). Linking small pelagic fish and cetacean distribution to model suitable habitat for coastal dolphin species, Delphinus delphis and Tursiops truncatus, in the Greek Seas (Eastern Mediterranean). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27, 436-451.
- Bearzi G, S Bonizzoni, NL Santostasi, NB Furey, L Eddy, VD Valavanis, O Gimenez (2016). Dolphins in a Scaled-Down Mediterranean: the Gulf of Corinth’s Odontocetes. Special Issue on ‘Mediterranean Marine Mammal Ecology and Conservation’, Advances in Marine Biology 75: 297-331.
- Colloca F, Garofalo G, Bitetto I, Facchini MT, Grati F, Martiradonna A, Mastrantonio G, Nikolioudakis N, Ordinas F, Scarcella G, Tserpes G, Tugores MP, Valavanis V, Carlucci R, Fiorentino F, Follesa MC, Iglesias M, Knittweis L, Lefkaditou E, Lembo G, Manfredi C, Massuti E, Pace ML, Papadopoulou N, Sartor P, Smith CJ, Spedicato MT (2015). The seascape of demersal fish nursery areas in the North Mediterranean Sea, a first step towards the implementation of spatial planning for trawl fisheries. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119590
- Bonizzoni S, Furey N, Pirotta E, Valavanis VD, Wursig B, Bearzi G (2014). Fish farming and its appeal to common bottlenose dolphins in a Mediterranean embayment. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(5), 696-711.
- Martin CS, Giannoulaki M, De Leo F, Scardi M, Salomidi M, Knitweiss L, Pace ML, Garofalo G, Gristina M, Ballesteros E, Bavestrello G, Belluscio A, Cebrian E, Gerakaris V, Pergent G, Pergent-Martini C, Schembri PJ, Terribile K, Rizzo L, Ben Souissi J, Bonacorsi M, Guarnieri G, Krzelj M, Macic V, Punzo E, Valavanis V, Fraschetti S, 2014. Coralligenous and maerl habitats: predictive modelling to identify their spatial distributions across the Mediterranean Sea. Scientific Reports 4:5073, 1-8.
- Fernandez R, MacLeod CD, Pierce GJ, Covelo P, Lopez A, Torres-Palenzuela J, Valavanis VD, Santos MB (2013). Inter-specific and seasonal comparison of the niches occupied by small cetaceans off North-West Iberia. Continental Shelf Research 64, 88-98.
- Smith JM, Macleod CD, Valavanis VD, Hastie LC, Valinassab T, Bailey N, Pierce GJ (2013). Habitat and distribution of post-recruit life stages of the squid Loligo forbesii. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 95, 145-159.
- Giannoulaki M, Iglesias M, Tugores P, Bonanno A, Patti B, De Felice A, Leonori I, Bigot JL, Ticina V, Pyrounaki M, Tsagarakis K, Machias A, Somarakis S, Schismenou E, Quinci E, Basilone G, Cuttitta A, Miquel J, Onate D, Roos D, Valavanis VD (2013). Characterising the potential habitat of European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Mediterranean Sea, at different life stages. Fisheries Oceanography 22(2), 69-89.
- Tugores MP, Giannoulaki M, Iglesias M, Bonanno A, Ticina V, Leonori I, Machias A, Tsagarakis K, Diaz N, Giraldez A, Patti B, De Felice A, Basilone G, Valavanis VD (2011). Habitat suitability modeling for sardine in a highly diverse ecosystem: the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 443, 181-205.
- Visser F, Hartman KL, Pierce GJ, Valavanis VD, Huisman J (2011). Timing of migratory baleen whales at the Azores in relation to the North Atlantic spring bloom. Marine Ecology Progress Series 440, 267-379.
- Pierce GJ, Valavanis VD, Santos BM, Portela JM (2011) (ed.). Marine Ecosystems and Sustainability. Springer, Germany, p333.
- Giannoulaki M, Pyrounaki MM, Liorzou B, Leonori I, Valavanis VD, Tsagarakis K, Bigot JL, Roos D, De Felice A, Campanella F, Somarakis S, Arneri E, Machias A (2011). Habitat suitability modelling for sardine juveniles in the Mediterranean Sea. Fisheries Oceanography 20(5), 367-382.
- Surugiu V, Revkov N, Todorova V, Papageorgiou N, Valavanis VD, Arvanitidis C (2010). Spatial patterns of biodiversity in the Black Sea: An assessment using benthic polychaetes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88(2), 165-174.