Publications 2023
Bastardie, F., Borges, L., Casey, J., Coll Monton, M., Daskalov, G., Döring, R., Drouineau, H., GotiAralucea, L., Grati, F., Hamon, K., & others. (2023). Scientific, [...]
Bastardie, F., Borges, L., Casey, J., Coll Monton, M., Daskalov, G., Döring, R., Drouineau, H., GotiAralucea, L., Grati, F., Hamon, K., & others. (2023). Scientific, [...]
Title: REef restoration And litter removal in the Mediterranean sea (LIFE DREAM) This is a programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE). The Marine Deep Reefs are fundamental benthic [...]
Aary, D. A., Brunel, T., Kell, L. T., Döring, R., Metz, S., Eigaard, O. R., Basurko, O. C., Bartolino, V., Bentley, J., & others. (2022). [...]
Giannoulaki: What species do we refer to by the term marine megafauna and which are the main threats for these species. The term marine megafauna refers to species of [...]
Karachle: More than 240 alien species in Greek seas – Which ones are edible, and which are dangerous "The effects of climate change and the warming of the Mediterranean [...]
Streamlining the establishment of regional work plans in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. EU EASME/EMFF
Application of Innovative Methodologies for the Wide Range Monitoring of Native and Alien Freshwater Fish of Greece. Bristol Zoological Society and AG Leventis Foundation
Special Ecological Assessment at the cross sections of East-Med gas pipeline and river water systems. Asprofos SA For the needs of the Environmental Impact Study of the EAST MED [...]
Establishment of an automatic monitoring network for flood warnings in Trikala Municipality. Ex Machina The project concerns the installation and operation of automatic water monitoring stations in rivers of [...]
Design, construction and testing of two (2) innovative devices for (a) the reduction of ghost fishing and (b) the increase of trawl selectivity for undersized fish by-catch. National Project [...]