Fish fauna monitoring support consultancy for TAP monitoring project This is Fish fauna Monitoring Support Consultancy for the TAP monitoring project, in which we will be participating as Specialist [...]
Fish fauna monitoring support consultancy for TAP monitoring project This is Fish fauna Monitoring Support Consultancy for the TAP monitoring project, in which we will be participating as Specialist [...]
Σκοπός του έργου είναι η ιχθυολογική μελέτη για δύο προτεινόμενα μικρά υδροηλεκτρικά έργα (ΜΥΗΕ): α) ΜΥΗΕ Τσεμπερούλας επί του υδατορέματος Τσεμπερούλας (παραπόταμος του ποταμού Αλφειού) στην ΤΚ Πλατιάνας, Δήμου [...]
Ichthyological Research in the area of influence of the ILARION Dam (Ichthyological research and TEPEM) The project ILARION-FISH aims at the research of the fish fauna and the completion [...]
MAPAFISH-MED - “Mapping of marine protected areas and their associated fishing activities: Mediterranean and Black Seas”. Main scope of the project is to collate existing information and collect new [...]
Assessing spillover from marine protected areas to adjacent fisheries: Mediterranean and Black Seas. (SPILLOVER-MED) The aim of the project is to provide an overview of the role MPAs can [...]
In the framework of the research project "Floods-Tech - Water monitoring for risk management due to natural and anthropogenic disasters, using modern technologies", members of the scientific team of [...]
Gyaros Natural Resources Monitoring Action Plan The project concerns a 30-month follow-up plan with the ambition to update the current priorities and management needs of the Gyaros MPA, based [...]
The Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters (IMBRIW, https://imbriw.hcmr.gr/) of the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR) has undertaken the implementation of a research project entitled: "Floods-Tech [...]
by Marina Fischer-Kowalski https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxrML08KFIYfFS
Hydro-E a HCMR internal project on the hydrology and water quality of Samothraki island https://youtu.be/Xyt45am0Gm4