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Start/End Date: 1999-2001 (24 months)

Financing: 88.987,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Karagkitsou E., Dr K. Papakonstantinou

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Mediterranean Anchovy assessment in the Thracian Sea and Southwestern Adriatic (Italy). [DG/XIV/EU/ Studies No. 98/040]

2021-09-03T13:27:54+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|


Start/End Date: 01/12/1998 - 28/02/1999

Financing: 7.337,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr I. Negas

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Evaluation experiment of different pigment forms as component in sea bream food.

2021-09-15T17:33:58+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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Start/End Date: 1998-1999 (12 months)

Financing: 47.653,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr G. Petrakis

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Integrated development policy for sustainable development in the Pagasitikos Gulf.

2021-09-03T13:37:34+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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Assessing reproductive strategies of deep-water fishes in Western Greece (Ionian Sea)

Start/End Date: 1998-2001 (31 months)

Financing: 96.916,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr G. Petrakis

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

This research project, carried out between 1998-2003, was targeting to study the spawning biology and fecundity of H. dactylopterus, H. mediterraneus, Peristedion cataphractum, L. boscii, Etmopterus spinax and G. melastomus [...]

2021-09-03T13:38:18+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|

Renewable deep-water resources in the Ionian Sea {INTERREG II}

Start/End Date: 1998-2001 (36 months)

Financing: 616.288,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr C. Mytilinaiou

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

The main objectives of this project were (a) to investigate the spatial distribution and abundance of important deep-water resources in the Ionian Sea, focusing on the red shrimps [...]

2021-09-03T13:46:03+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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Start/End Date: 1998-2000 (24 months)

Financing: 47.067,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr M. Lambropoulou

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

MEDiterranean LANDing Pilot Project. [DG/XIV/EU/ Studies No. 97/066]

2021-09-03T13:53:59+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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Start/End Date: 1998-1999 (24 months)

Financing: 127.131,75 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr K. Papakonstantinou

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Evaluation of fishery status of the most important commercial cephalopod species in the Mediterranean.

2021-09-03T14:02:44+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|


Start/End Date: 1998-2000 (24 months)

Financing: 129.737,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr V. Vassilopoulou

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Analysis of trawler by-catch in Central and Eastern Greece. [DG/XIV/EU/ Studies No. 97/044]

2021-09-03T14:03:28+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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