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Start/End Date: 1997-2000 (36 months)

Financing: 214.985,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr M. Alexi

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Identifying quality and assessment criteria of selected marine and freshwater fishes produced in aquacultures. [IC15-CT97-1002]

2021-09-03T14:36:24+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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Start/End Date: 1997 (12 months)

Financing: 2.641,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr M. Alexi

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Development of a rapid, innovating and cheap method for Screening fish Products for residues of antibacterial substances.

2021-09-03T14:38:01+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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Start/End Date: 1997-1998 (24 months)

Financing: 14.674,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr K. Papakonstantinou

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

European Estuaries and Brakish Habitats in relation to Fish and Macro Crustaceans. [DG/XII-XIV/EU/FAIR PL-96/1634] […]

2021-09-03T14:38:48+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
imbriw logo blue background


Start/End Date: 1997-1998 (24 months)

Financing: 21.240,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr C. Politou, Karkani M.

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Assessing methods of fish eye measurements in order to promote fishery inspections and research.  [DG/XII-XIV/EU/FAIR-CT96/1452]

2021-09-03T14:40:55+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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