Start/End Date: 2011-2013 (24 months)

Financing: 22.595,00 €

Type of project: National project

Researcher(s): Dr D. Klaoudatos, Dr A. Conides

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Mediterranean Alientic Resources Evaluation and Advice. The project aims to organize a consortium of European research Institutes and Centres with expertise in fisheries research […]

2021-09-09T16:09:59+03:0017/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2007-2012|

Collection of environmental, ecological, oceanographic and fishert data for the Argolikos gulf

Start/End Date: 02/09/2010 - 01/01/2011

Financing: 7.000,00 €

Type of project: National project

Researcher(s): Dr K. Kapiris

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

The aim of Cooperation HCMR by SMEs and in accordance with the proposal presented to the SMEs on 26/03/2009 GSRT is: A collection of all data on the ecology, oceanography [...]

2021-05-13T11:00:39+03:0017/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2007-2012|

Monitoring for the quality and estimation of the ecological status of the Messinian Rivers

Start/End Date: 01/09/2010 - 30/06/2011

Financing: 18.450,00 €

Type of project: National project

Researcher(s): Dr S. Zogaris

Institute: Inland Waters

Three year period of monitoring for the quality and estimation of the ecological status of the Messinian Rivers: Pamisos, Aris, Despoti, Mourtia, Lygdou, Epis, Karia, Tzanes-Polilimnio, Mavrozoumena, Arkadikos, Neda and [...]

2021-09-09T16:15:28+03:0017/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2007-2012|


Start/End Date: 05/03/2010 - 05/03/2012

Financing: 75.000,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr M. Giannoulaki

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

AcousMed is the abbreviation of a DG MARE contract tender on the “Harmonization of the acoustic data in the Mediterranean 2002-2006”. […]

2021-10-05T16:54:14+03:0017/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2007-2012|


Start/End Date: 01/03/2010 - 31/10/2013

Financing: 394.950,00 €

Type of project: European project (FP7-ΕΝV-2009-1)

Researcher(s): Dr K. Papadopoulou

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Options for Delivering Ecosystem- based Marine Management. […]

2021-09-09T16:17:23+03:0017/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2007-2012|


Start/End Date: 01/02/2010 - 31/01/2014

Financing: 273.885,00 €

Type of project: European project ( FP7)

Researcher(s): Dr A. Conides

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

People for Ecosystem Based Govermnance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast (PEGASO) […]

2021-10-05T16:56:17+03:0017/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2007-2012|


Start/End Date: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2011

Financing: 146.876,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr V. Valavanis

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

The identification and spatiotemporal mapping of Essential Fish Habitats (EFHs) represent the fundamental scientific tasks of the spatial component of fisheries management […]

2021-05-13T11:10:37+03:0017/12/2013|Projects, Research projects 2007-2012|
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