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Publications 2024

Ulman, A.; Abd Rabou, A.F.N.; Al Mabruk, S.; Bariche, M.; Bileceno˘ glu, M.; Demirel, N.; Galil, B.S.; Hüseyino˘ glu, M.F.; Jimenez, C.; Hadjioannou, L.; et al. Assessment of Human [...]

2024-04-03T14:56:50+03:0021/03/2024|2020 -, Publications|
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Publications 2023

Bastardie, F., Borges, L., Casey, J., Coll Monton, M., Daskalov, G., Döring, R., Drouineau, H., GotiAralucea, L., Grati, F., Hamon, K., & others. (2023). Scientific, [...]

2024-06-18T09:04:04+03:0029/05/2023|2020 -|
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Publications 2021

Anna Latsiou, Theodora Kouvarda, Konstantinos Stefanidis, George Papaioannou, Konstantinos Gritzalis & Elias Dimitriou (2021). Pressures and Status of the Riparian Vegetation in Greek Rivers: Overview and Preliminary Assessment. Hydrology, 8(1)55. [...]

2024-03-27T16:29:58+02:0028/12/2020|2020 -, Publications|
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Publications 2020

Bekkby T, Papadopoulou N, Fiorentino D, McOwen CJ, Rinde E, Boström C, Carreiro-Silva M, Linares C, Andersen GS, Bengil EGT, Bilan M, Cebrian E, Cerrano C, Danovaro R, Fagerli [...]

2023-06-22T10:14:01+03:0003/02/2020|2020 -, Publications|
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Alamanos, A., Latinopoulos, D., Papaioannou, G., Mylopoulos, N., (2019), Integrated Hydro-Economic Modeling for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Data-Scarce Areas: The Case of Lake Karla Watershed in Greece,  Water Resources [...]

2022-12-19T10:40:02+02:0012/11/2018|2015 - 2019, Publications|
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Anastasopoulou, A., Mytilineou, C., Makantasi, P., Smith, C. J., Kavadas, S., Lefkaditou, E., & Papadopoulou, K. N. (2018). Life history aspects of two species of the Squalus genus in the [...]

2022-02-11T16:09:42+02:0013/03/2018|2015 - 2019, Publications|
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Akel, E. S. H. K., & Karachle, P. K. (2017). The marine ichthyofauna of Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 21(3), 81–116. Anastasopoulou, A., Makantasi, P., Kapiris, [...]

2020-02-25T09:01:27+02:0001/02/2017|2015 - 2019, Publications|
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Ak, O., Ceylan, B., Aydin, İ., Polat, H., Küçük, E., Eroğlu, O. & Kapiris, K. (2016), "Stock enhancement by hatchery-released turbot, Psetta maxima, in the southeastern Black sea: Capture, migration, [...]

2020-02-03T10:34:27+02:0018/04/2016|2015 - 2019, Publications|
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Armon, R. H., & Zenetos, A. (2015). Invasive alien species and their indicators. Environmental indicators (pp. 147–173). Springer. Anagnostou, E., Tzortziou, M., Zeri, C., Dimitriou, E., Ding, Y., Jaff, [...]

2020-02-03T10:26:53+02:0016/02/2015|2015 - 2019, Publications|
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