Globaqua: Case Study Evrotas (Video)
Globaqua: Case Study Evrotas Video
Globaqua: Case Study Evrotas Video
Ak, O., Ceylan, B., Aydin, İ., Polat, H., Küçük, E., Eroğlu, O. & Kapiris, K. (2016), "Stock enhancement by hatchery-released turbot, Psetta maxima, in the southeastern Black sea: Capture, migration, [...]
Climate change threatens Greece, but NGOs “kill” each other … […]
The overall purpose of the preliminary study is to assess the current status of the wetland, to proceed with preliminary project proposals, actions and mild interventions that will predict its compatibility with [...]
Science, technology and society initiative to minimize unwanted catches in European fisheries (MINOUW) The complexity of the problem of banning discards and bringing all unwanted catches to land makes it [...]
Pilot project on catch and discard composition including solutions for limitation and possible elimination of unwanted by-catches in trawl net fisheries in the Mediterranean (DISCATCH). [MARE/2012/24 SI2.672370] Conservation standards for [...]
03.08.2011, Irakleiotiko Steki Alien fish species have appeared in large numbers and are spreading rapidly in the marine region of Crete, as well as in the Mediterranean, with unspecified impacts [...]
30.06.2010 OIKOINFO Despite the intense pollution of the river and the problems of degrading the riverside landscape, Kifissos resists. A fish of 31 centimeters (but countless even smaller) proves it [...]
24.09.2010 Alien fish species have invaded the Greek seas in recent years and threaten to shake the ecosystem in the air ... (Read more)