Estimation of Environmental Flows using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Acoustic Equipment based on fish habitat requirements The primary aim of this project is the estimation of fish habitat criteria, [...]
Estimation of Environmental Flows using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Acoustic Equipment based on fish habitat requirements The primary aim of this project is the estimation of fish habitat criteria, [...]
Monk Seal conservation in the Eastern Mediterranean The work will focus on the mapping of conflict areas between fisheries and the distribution of monk seal [...]
Assessing the interaction between SSF and marine megafauna in Greece The project focuses on the study of fisheries and wildlife issues, through this project, will fill this serious gap that [...]
Προκήρυξη θέσεων για την εισαγωγή μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών στο ΔΠΜΣ “ΩΚΕΑΝΟΓΡΑΦΊΑ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΟΥ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ” που αφορά στο 2022-23. […]
Usually when talking about research engagement policy, the debate revolves around question: which sectors we want to develop and in which intensity; But I do not think so this essence [...]
The reconstruction of the R/V PHILIA was completed on 07/01/2022 by the company ANATEKO and sailed from the Papila Shipyard, Attica to the port of Heraklion, Crete on 08/01/2022. Safe [...]
Τhe endangered fauna species in Greece emit SOS Only the 18% are fully protected The protected areas of the Natura 2000 network cover by 47.6% the 424 endangered terrestrial and [...]
Unfortunately, the anti-flood engineering project begun in late 2020 on the Erasinos stream in Attika threatens the continued survival of the southernmost population of the Marathon minnow (Pelasgus marathonicus). HCMR [...]
Hull welding of the R/V PHILIA 21.12.2020 The hull of R/V PHILIA was welded at the Papilla shipyard by the company ANATEKO SA on 21.12.2020 within the framework of RePHIL [...]
The Research Vessel R/V PHILIA is being transformed and modernized to respond to the requirements of modern fisheries and oceanographic research. Articles in press 30/11/2020 - 03/01/2021 READ MORE