Fish fauna monitoring support consultancy for TAP monitoring project This is Fish fauna Monitoring Support Consultancy for the TAP monitoring project, in which we will be participating as Specialist [...]
Fish fauna monitoring support consultancy for TAP monitoring project This is Fish fauna Monitoring Support Consultancy for the TAP monitoring project, in which we will be participating as Specialist [...]
Σκοπός του έργου είναι η ιχθυολογική μελέτη για δύο προτεινόμενα μικρά υδροηλεκτρικά έργα (ΜΥΗΕ): α) ΜΥΗΕ Τσεμπερούλας επί του υδατορέματος Τσεμπερούλας (παραπόταμος του ποταμού Αλφειού) στην ΤΚ Πλατιάνας, Δήμου [...]
Ichthyological Research in the area of influence of the ILARION Dam (Ichthyological research and TEPEM) The project ILARION-FISH aims at the research of the fish fauna and the completion [...]
MAPAFISH-MED - “Mapping of marine protected areas and their associated fishing activities: Mediterranean and Black Seas”. Main scope of the project is to collate existing information and collect new [...]
Assessing spillover from marine protected areas to adjacent fisheries: Mediterranean and Black Seas. (SPILLOVER-MED) The aim of the project is to provide an overview of the role MPAs can [...]
Gyaros Natural Resources Monitoring Action Plan The project concerns a 30-month follow-up plan with the ambition to update the current priorities and management needs of the Gyaros MPA, based [...]
Water monitoring with state-of-the-art technologies for the management of anthropogenic and natural disasters The purpose of the project is to install a network of automatic [...]
Water matters: Increase of knowledge on the Importance of the Good Water Status "Water Matters" is the slogan of the newly launched campaign "Increase of knowledge on the Importance of the Good Water Status". The Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters (IMBRIW) of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) is the entity that implements this project, funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway Grants).
OBSERVING AND MAPPING MARINE ECOSYSTEMS – NEXT GENERATION TOOLS Grant Agreement 101081642– OBAMA-NEXT OBAMA-NEXT main goal is to develop a toolbox which generates and delivers [...]
YOU4BLUE is implemented by the collaboration of eight (8) partners from three (3) EU countries: Italy, Spain & Greece. The project aims to promote a broad experience of sustainability [...]