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Start/End Date: 1998-2001 (36 months)

Financing: 96.916,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr M. Labropoulou

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Feeding strategies and energy requirements of deep-sea demersal fish in the Eastern Mediterranean. […]

2021-09-03T14:04:19+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
imbriw logo blue background


Start/End Date: 1998-2001 (36 months)

Financing: 107.982,39 € (36.795.000 GRD)

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr I. Zacharias

Institute: Inland Waters

Utilisation of groundwater desalination and wastewater reuse in the water supply of seasonally stressed regions. Sustainable management approach to provide an economic alternative to traditional water supply modes for locales in [...]

2021-09-03T14:11:43+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|


Start/End Date: 1998-2001 (36 months)

Financing: 616.288,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr A. Sioulas

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Water management network in the lower Adriatic and Ionian region. Protection of the Marine Environment. [DG/XII-XIV/EU/ FAIR CT-98/4044].

2021-09-03T14:30:50+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|


Start/End Date: 01/01/1997 - 31/12/1999

Financing: 21.241,00 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr G. Petrakis

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

electivity database. [DG/XII-XIV/EU/FAIR-CT96/1531]

2021-09-03T14:33:24+03:0015/10/2013|Projects, Research projects 1995-2000|
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