Start/End Date: 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2022

Financing: 250,72 €

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr. Stefanos Kavadas

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Fisheries Information System for the Mediterranean & Black Sea Under the umbrella of the MARE/2020/08 “Strengthening regional cooperation in the field of data collection”, the construction of a Regional Database (RDB) for the Mediterranean and Black Seas was [...]

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Start/End Date: 02/10/2020 - 31/12/2022

Financing: 83.064,50 €

Researcher(s): Dr S. Somarakis

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Study for the construction of a productive underwater park in Marathokampos. National project (Regional funding) Municipality of East Samos.


Start/End Date: 01/08/2020 - 30/06/2022

Financing: 109.000,00 WWF funded by MAVA Foundation

Type of project: European project

Researcher(s): Dr Marianna Giannoulaki

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Assessing the interaction between SSF and marine megafauna in Greece The project focuses on the study of fisheries and wildlife issues, through this project, will fill this serious gap that [...]

2022-06-29T12:54:53+03:0028/06/2022|Projects, Research projects 2019 – Present|
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Start/End Date: 16/06/2020 - 15/12/2022

Financing: 370.481,00 €

Type of project: National project

Researcher(s): Zervoudaki Soultana

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Integrated System for Underwater Ecological Hull Cleaning of Vessels. National Project (NSRF) Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)


Start/End Date: 07/10/2020 - 06/10/2022

Financing: 25.000,00 €

Researcher(s): Dr Elias Dimitriou

Institute: Inland Waters

Monitoring of the National Network of Isotopes in Rivers in Greece. International Atomic Energy Agency-UN Identifying the dominant water pollution sources and their relative contribution [...]

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Start/End Date: 04/11/2020 - 03/11/2021

Financing: 38.375,00 €

Researcher(s): Dr Konstantinos Tsagarakis

Institute: Marine Biological Resources

Synthesis of the landing obligation measures and discard rates for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. EU EASME/EMFF 2019/ SI2.835464

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