Water Monitoring through Automatic Stations for Risk Management from Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters

The water monitoring network of automatic stations operated by HCMR (https://hydro-stations.hcmr.gr/) is expanding in Western Macedonia, specifically in the wider area of Lake Kastoria.

Three automatic monitoring stations will be installed to measure the water level and discharge in streams/rivers directly connected to Lake Kastoria, while one of these stations will also measure physicochemical parameters of the waters.

The system will transmit telemetric data every hour, which will be published on the HCMR’s dedicated website (https://hydro-stations.hcmr.gr/), making them accessible to anyone interested.

Early warning services will be developed for floods, droughts, and water pollution based on the automatic stations’ data, while public awareness and educational activities will be carried out in the Kastoria area.

For more information see our social media page: Kastoria-Station Facebook page