Eva2021-05-10T22:59:39+03:0013/02/2019|Projects, Research projects 2013 - 2018, Research projects 2019 – Present|
Paradigm for Novel Dynamic Oceanic Resource Assessments (PANDORA)
More efficient fisheries management is needed to support the continued need to manage European fisheries due to the global rise in seafood demand and the need to maximise fish production [...]
International training at the Science-Policy Interface for Researchers in Europe, for Nature The growing recognition that biological diversity is a global asset of tremendous value to present and future [...]
The study of the marine biological resources of the Gulf of Maliakos, the impact of climate change on the marine ecosystem and proposed management measures for the optimal exploitation of [...]
PORTODIMARE (geoPortal of Tools & Data for sustainable Management of coAstal and maRine Environment)
PORTODIMARE aims to create a common platform (Geoportal) for data and information related to coastal and marine areas of the Adriatic-Ionian Region, by […]
Hellenic Integrated Marine and Inland Water Observing, Forecasting and Offshore Technology System (HIMIOFoTS)
The Hellenic Integrated Marine Inland water Observing, Forecasting and offshore Technology System (HIMIOFoTS) includes integrated approaches in Marine observation and forecasting systems, coastal monitoring and an innovative Hydro-Environmental Monitoring and [...]
Promoting small scAle fisheRIes and aquaculture transnational networking in Adriatic-Ionian macroregion (ARIEL). […]
“Gyaros MPA” fisheries knowledge survey: assessing a pristine Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot
The “Gyaros MPA Fisheries Knowledge Survey” aspires to set the cornerstone for an effective future management and monitoring plan of the Gyaros island marine reserve, […]
RePHIL (Hellenic Research Fleet – Reconstruction of the Research Vessel PHILIA)
The Research Vessel (R / V) PHILIA has a length of 26 meters and was constructed in 1986. Its reconstruction and modernization are of high [...]
Strengthening Regional Cooperation in the Area of Fisheries Biological Data Collection in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. EU DG MARE 2016/22