Project partners

Project partners National Institute of Chemistry – Slovenia (Coordinator) Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries – Croatia University of Tirana - Albania, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) – [...]


Main outputs

The main project outputs of the project include: Jointly adopted Guidelines for riverine litter monitoring in the Adriatic-Ionian region. A robust monitoring network for collecting riverine litter data will [...]


Melina Kourantidou

BSc in Accounting and Finance, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece (2004-2008) MSc in Planning & Development of Natural Resources/Forest Economics, Faculty of Forestry & Natural Environment, Aristotle University of [...]


Ioannis Panagopoulos

BSc in Natural Resources Management & Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural University of Athens (1997-2002) MSc in Water Resources Science and Technology, National Technical University of Athens (2002-2004) PhD in Hydrology, [...]


Maria Chamoglou

B.Sc. in Aquaculture & Fisheries, Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi (2002) M.Sc. in Sustainable Management of Aquatic Environment (2013). Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment, School of Agricultural Sciences, University of [...]


Aimilia Panagiotou

BSc in Biology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2011) MSc in Hydrobiology and Aquaculture, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2011-2014) PhD student, School of Rural [...]

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